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Need help regarding live rock

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Hi Bros

Like to check, whether its fine leaving live rocks in a pail of tap water overnight? Trying to force the crabs and bristle worm out from it. Please help coz im new to the hobby. Thank You

IMO, why don't you go for dead or dried rocks then. The reason being if you put live rock in fresh water overnight, it basically kill nearly everything and some of it may be rotting from within the rock. So you may have an issue when you put it into the main tank later. If you are thinking of preserving the coraline algae, the fresh water will kill it as well. :(


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Dont realli intend to preserve the coraline algae, i just wanted to get that long bristle worm out from it but to my disappointment when i check the pail today, no sign of it at all :cry: . So what you're saying now, is that i should dry it under the sun before putting it back into the tank?


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Dont realli intend to preserve the coraline algae, i just wanted to get that long bristle worm out from it but to my disappointment when i check the pail today, no sign of it at all :cry: . So what you're saying now, is that i should dry it under the sun before putting it back into the tank?


Good. Since you are not keen in the coraline. You can dry the rock. The worm sure die.

After that you may want to wash and soak the rock in sea water before putting back into tank.


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anyway what's with the worm?

they are not harmful after all, i tot they play a part in scavenger role?

Based on the first post, he is also after the crabs too. Not sure if that bristle worm is a big one thou. I used to have one which is more then 6 inch long. Large bristle worm may attack your fishes at night when they hunt for food.


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Yah got the stoopid crabs out but i believe there are more of them in there. The worm is realli quite big, i was watching it moving out the rock, it never ends. Even now after i soaked the live rock there is not sign of it. Guess it moved to another rock in the tank. I realli dont wan to take any chance letting it attack any of my fishes. Traps doesnt work for it at all. These worms are damn smart!!!!

Anyway thanks, tom you've being a great help!

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if the worm is super fast, it could be a bobbit worm, that is a nasty worm.. i had 1 last time, over a foot long, and it ate about 5 fishes before i found out it's there..

what happened was, it refused to come out, so i poured boiling water over the rock, and splitted the rock, to my amazement, a cooked 1 foot fat and long nasty sea centipede.. a way to id it is that it has fangs in front and feelers.. and ten times faster than a normal bristle..

just my experiences, hope that helps.. :)

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if the worm is super fast, it could be a bobbit worm, that is a nasty worm.. i had 1 last time, over a foot long, and it ate about 5 fishes before i found out it's there..

what happened was, it refused to come out, so i poured boiling water over the rock, and splitted the rock, to my amazement, a cooked 1 foot fat and long nasty sea centipede.. a way to id it is that it has fangs in front and feelers.. and ten times faster than a normal bristle..

just my experiences, hope that helps.. :)

Actually most sea worms (often nicked centipede because of its legs and feelers), eg, sand, mud, bristle, DO have fangs. It is just that it is more difficult to see if they are small. How to find out? Catch it, squeeze it's head alittle between your thumb & index, then feel for it's fangs sinking into your finger! :whistle:whistle:whistle

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