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PH not going up.


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Anyone has encounter this issue? I have tried raising it using seachem PH buffer but the result is always temporary. Managed to raise to 8.4 and value will drop back to 8.1 to 8.2 after 24 hrs and will stay in that zone for months before it starts to drop (using sulphur denitrator).

Ps: Most of the other parameters all within the specs.


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Why do you want to raise it to 8.4? pH 8.0-8.4 is normal for marine tanks, no need to raise it!!

What's more important is stability of the pH, don't allow it to swing wildly...

I thought it's at the lower side and wanted to maintain it at the norminal. I am just curious why I can't raise it further.

Ps: PH is pretty stable (always around 8.1-8.2).


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If you want to raise it a bit more to abt 8.3, should be ok too.

Try dosing MG, it will help in stabilising those fluctuating PH.

Also, if you had fishes which poo a lot, your PH will definitely drop as well. :)

I tend to have the feeling too (on increasing MG to stabilse PH) ----> I increased my MG from 1270 to 1350 during my last few water change and I noticed that it can hold the PH better @ 8.3 until the next water change which is ~ 2 weeks later.

You happen to know the chemistry behind MG and PH co-relationship? My KH is around 10 and I use to think that's the only factor I need to maintain to stabilise PH.


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I tend to have the feeling too (on increasing MG to stabilse PH) ----> I increased my MG from 1270 to 1350 during my last few water change and I noticed that it can hold the PH better @ 8.3 until the next water change which is ~ 2 weeks later.

You happen to know the chemistry behind MG and PH co-relationship? My KH is around 10 and I use to think that's the only factor I need to maintain to stabilise PH.


Your are welcome but I'm no chemist la. :paiseh:

Just learning thru experience over the decade of keeping marine. Don't spend too much measuring all the parameter except you are keeping very dedicated SPS. Observe the tank well and you will be able to tell if your parameter are right over time. E.g. when PH fluctuate, it is likely MG factor... etc.... :peace:

P.S. This a hobby to enjoy and relax.. Don't be a slave to it.. ;)


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Anyone has encounter this issue? I have tried raising it using seachem PH buffer but the result is always temporary. Managed to raise to 8.4 and value will drop back to 8.1 to 8.2 after 24 hrs and will stay in that zone for months before it starts to drop (using sulphur denitrator).

Ps: Most of the other parameters all within the specs.


Sulphur denitrator is known to lower yr pH level. You can check out Deltec website.

There's no perfect solution, you solved the nitrate problem, but another problem will come. That's y if you use denitrator, you also have to install calcium reactor...that's how they earn your money bro...haha

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