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my 2ft nano tank


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  • SRC Member

firstly, i would like to thank bro Paullim for the free pentas 2ft tank and bro Kangster for the free red sea aragonite sand... bro tansk for the free baby clowns and bro kevin33868 for the yumas and mushrooms

as my mushrooms kept falling off the rocks in my main tank, i decided to move all my mushrooms into this nano tank which i've decided to setup in my room

equipments list

2ft Pentas tank (tempered glass?)

Red sea prizm protein skimmer with surface skimmer attachment

Oceanus LED stick (4ft) http://www.oceanus-light.com/oceanusled.html

Solite 2ft 2 X T5

Digital thermometer

fish list

2 x baby clown

coral list

various colored mushrooms, yumas and ric florida

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here are the initial setup pics

2ft pentas tank


red sea aragonite sand


oceanus 4ft led stick


red sea prizm skimmer with surface skimmer attachment


too excited and poured sand into the tank w/o washing first...


skimmer doing its job


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  • SRC Member

cycling with some mushrooms and LR. hahaa


top down view (prodibio vial in picture was used during cycling)


was thinking of what fish to stock and tansk gave me this pair of super cute baby clowns


that's it for now. i've since added quite abit of LR but still don't really like my scaping. i've moved the LED sticks out of the water as it heats up the water quite abit. Also added a solite 2ft 2 X T5 from my decommed frag tank coz the LED sticks are not bright enough

the tank temp is pretty stable at 28C but the china made digital thermometer abit unreliable

also for those who spotted the tube coming out from the top of the skimmer, its a little modification that the previous owner did. it allows me to operate a limewood airstone (with an airpump) in the reaction chamber to create more bubbles.

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  • SRC Supporter

Very nice to see the clown swimming together :)

My little ocean
Mix Reef-Main tank 30 inches Length x 32 inches Width x 18 inches Height
2 X Skim DC return pump
Aquabee 2000 chiller feeder

Hailea 1/2 Chiller
1 X Tunze nano wavebox

2 X EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10W
Deltec skimmer - Internal
Lumenarc 400watt 12K Reeflux

8 X T5 ATI Powermodule
Prolifux control with external touchscreen display
Refugium keeping chaeto

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  • SRC Member
Very nice to see the clown swimming together :)

hehe thanks bro for the clown. i think they are starting to like each other. previously they slept at their own corner, now both sleep together. abit afraid it might get sucked into the skimmer though.. coz they are so small... but so far so good. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Nice and simple setup... can be used as a frag tank. Maintaining the temp is going to be challenging though...

I love your clowns... :wub:

yeah.. i am keeping an eye on that. my T5 only comes on from 4pm to 8pm... 4 hours aday. since its mostly mushrooms, i'm gonna depend on the LED sticks for the rest of the day. other than that, the only other thing that contributes to the heat is the small skimmer pump. which is like 8W or something... =)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

time for some quick update!

my mushrooms keep dropping after i attach then and after awhile i got tired of doing that. also travelled quite abit during the dec holidays, so didn't have time to maintain the tank. anyway just did a good cleanup and shifted some corals to my main tank. here's a quick photo update of my nano!

firstly, here's a pic of my fire goby that jumped out and died a horrible and maybe slow death... i had 3 fire dart gobies (2 purple, 1 red) living in the nano peacefully for about 6 weeks. One day one purple goby started turning violent and I think that's why the red one jumped. When I found it the next day, it was dried up on my table... The other purple one got terrorized too (torn fins) and I've since shifted it into my main tank. I don't have a hood for the nano but the light set does cover most of the top, as you will see in one of the photos later.


full tank shots (pardon the bag of carbon hanging there)



as you can see, i've been using it as sort of a frag tank.. here are some frags that are in the tank

dragon eye (correct me if i'm wrong), magenta ring, turquoise face


sunflower and eagle eye


now if you are wondering how my baby nemos are doing, here's a pic of the bigger one. i can't get a good shot of the smaller one, they won't stop moving. you'll see the smaller one if you look closely in the FTS photo (its on the surface)


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  • SRC Member
Looking good! Do you just let the mushrooms propagate on their own? How about the temp of the tank? Any chance of a top down pic?

mushrooms didn't really propagate.. in fact i think i have lesser and lesser mushrooms... kindof gave up on them.

temp of the tank is about 28-29. the lights only come on late afternoon till late night.. as the tank is located in a room in the basement, the room is quite cool in the day and at night. so far no signs of stress from the corals yet

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  • SRC Member
mushrooms didn't really propagate.. in fact i think i have lesser and lesser mushrooms... kindof gave up on them.

temp of the tank is about 28-29. the lights only come on late afternoon till late night.. as the tank is located in a room in the basement, the room is quite cool in the day and at night. so far no signs of stress from the corals yet

dun give up on them! ur mushies and rics collection is damn nice.. if you wanna sell the frags of mushies.. i will buy!! haha.. wanna build up a nice mushies corner...

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

and here are some new additions to the tank (although its gonna be decommed soon)


Bumble Skirt Paly


tonga green


Laffy Taffy Paly


sparkly, dunno what, green ric, tonga eagle eye


top right one from GO


bleached xmen and radioactive from ming, color starting to recover?


sunflower from ming, hardly grown any polyps on this frag in this tank. the other frags in another tank have grown somewhat. hehe


nuclear green and blue face. the blue face was brown for very long until i upgraded to 4X24W. previously was 2X24W


purple eagle eyes? (red devil, your frag is ready!)


guess where's this from?


zenon paly and baby ric


wow.. coraline algae rock. so purple! :ph34r:


golden zoa from creetin. grows quite fast. v nice under actinic too! thx bro


dirty yellow, dragon eye and tonga eagle eye. all started with 1 polyp at around the same time. ain't it obvious who's the fast grower?


the last of its kind. used to have 2 big colonies of these. one melted after my reckless fragging and the other one... for no reason. hope this one will grow big and strong. grows quite slow though...


and now a top down HTS (half tank shot)


none of the frags are for sale now so dun pm me k... =p

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  • SRC Member
Sweet collection of zoas, bro! :eyebrow:

I'll try to wait patiently... :whistle

i need to be patient also. last time i itchy hand frag the dragon eye when it only has 2 polyp... nearly lost both. lucky one survived (the yellowish one...) and gave birth to 2 more babies.

patience is a virtue... :pinch:

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