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What kind of food for marine fish?


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  • SRC Member

You've got clowns in your tank? :huh:


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  • SRC Member

According to this thread, people have advised you not to add the fish, but yet you do not listen. Why do you bother asking for opinions when you have already decided? <_<

The fish are probably just reacting to the water and the tank environment. They are quite hardy, so they might survive. Feed sparingly with good food such as Tetra pellets or small pieces of raw seafood. To entice them to feed, you might have to use a bit of frozen brine shrimp, but I doubt that is required.

Stop using those Sera toys and get proper marine aquarium testkits and food.


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  • SRC Member

I have not tried many types of food but here's my 2 cents' worth:-

My LFS recommended Spectrum Thera (NewLife)

The CBS and CS consume greedily but my percula clown rejected (pthui!) very hao lien.

Then I decided to try frozen blood worms - whah! clown also eat but very curious each time eat only three, fourth one sure pthui. After few days, frozen blood worm also reject!

Today I got frozen brine shrimp, wah eat non-stop! Hope this will last. Otherwise mai chiak suak! :angry:

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How does Tetra Marine fare as a staple diet? It is flake food isn't it?

What I use comes in a blue bottle called Sinking Morsels. It's green and red pellets. My clowns and tang loves it. My purple tang has the most intense yellow tail I've seen so far. I also feed brine and raw fish meat.


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i feed Fish dry pellets as supplement,mainly only for breakfast(its a blue can-i think Doromarine & also tetra bits-1 can last a yr)-sometimes they go without,sometimes a cube of frozen brine shrimp, Main diet dinner staple consist of a daily rotation of frozen foods: frz brine shrimp/live adult brine shrimp/mysis/chopped silverfish/chopped squid/chopped prawns/frozen bloodworms & sometimes chopped fresh mussles(all very cheap from NTUC,a pack cost $2 or $3 can last over 2mths frozen & fed in small amounts).weekend afternoon snacks consist of a piece of lettuce/cucumber or nori. i try to cover as many amino acids as i can.Fed on this diet Marine whitspot clears within 4-7days(without any garlic). 4yrs & a total of 3 whitespot outbreak,never had ick or any other. saves me medication money!!hee

what u choose to feed is entirely your choice, i just think a variety makes for a happy fish- if they happy they don't get sick.

even a rotation of dry & one type of frozen food does good.

Warning!!-those pellets for good KoK growth won't work for your clownfish or tang


reason being too much hormones in them.!!

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  • SRC Member

Hi onghm

<>Its almost equivalent to human's morning drink ginseng and evening drink bird's nest <>

Very funny!


I use: (so far, so good, all the fishes ate, including boxer shrimp)

HBH Spirulina Soft and Moist - Clowns take them. Must not over feed.

Frozen daphnia, mysis. I avoid blood worms because someone told me that may contain high phosphate????

I also avoid frozen brine shrimp as someone else mentioned that they are low in protein.

Also using decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, golden pearls and flake plakton.

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frozen brine are low in most areas but high in aminos,ok if not fed solely on its own as main diet & i only stick to Hikari- other brands just don't look good.

i use live adult & gut load them for 4hrs on Spirulina powder.

Dry foods have phosphates too, i cut back on it to lower phos levels.

Anyway- if u have fish there will be phosphates from feeding.

but Bloodworms are FW(again i use only Hikari)- so i don't use solely but as an additional dish. i think its the rotation of the foods that does the trick.

Its actually quite cheap considering the amounts they eat- only takes the time to chop(almost mince) to consider.

i don't like ginseng- i prefer a cup of coffee in the morning while i feed my fish.


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My fish diet consists mainly of frozen brineshrimps and mysis (both Hikaris), tetra bits, HBH 4 flakes. Adult brine shrimps once a week purchased from Japan Ranchu. Feed for 2 days constant as i don't want to keep the live brine shrimps for too long.

I've always believe in mixture as sometimes, overfeeding the same stuff is boring. Garlic juice is always added.

And not to forget , live baby luohans for my snowflake.

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tetra bits, live and frozen bloodworms, live and frozen brineshrimps, tetra bits, mysis shrimps, prawn, lettuce, nori, sliverfishes, small live guppies(feeder fishes) and FW feeder shrimps. :D .. yes, my foxface and blue tang whacks the feeder fishes..

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