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WTS Dymax 4FT MH Lightset


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Dear brothers,

I have a Dymax 4FT MH Lightset for sale. I didnt have a photo for it but you can refer to the following site:



The Dymax Solar HQI is made to suit the professional's needs as they are equipped with various necessary functions (e.g. a pair of aluminium light stand, a set of "Hang on" accessories, two electric fans installed in the lamp to keep lamp set at low temperature. This lamp can be made either 150W HQI or 250W HQI with blue PL tubes at both side of the lamp. The Dymax Metal Halide Lamp has made for its multiple features an essential vital for your marine aquarium.

A little short history of this lightset

I bought this lightset from another fellow reefer here. Intended to install it but my parents were very against this bulky big lightset and anyway total objection. It was sad but I ended up storing it away in my storeroom for months because I thought of taking some time to persuade my parents but I have to give up. Family still comes first, dont want to have a war because of a lightset so I am selling it now.

Thus honestly it is a very new set.

PM me if you are interested. I am selling it for $400 but price negotiable. Thank you :)

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