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Feed fish with prawn meat

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Any advice? Can I feed my fish with prawn other than shrimp? will the fish get ill easily?

Prawn as in market prawn??? :shock: u must have one lucky fish... :yeah:

I do knw that fish will eat the prawn... hwever nt so sure if theres any side effect if feed frequently...

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I've been feeding my fish with market prawn (3 times per week) for the past 7 months, so far no side effects :P They love em' :eyebrow:

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • SRC Member

Any advice? Can I feed my fish with prawn other than shrimp? will the fish get ill easily?

Whenever my family buys prawn from the market, the head portion is cut-off & frozen as fish food. You can be surprise how much meat there is in the head. ;)

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  • SRC Member
I sometimes feed my fishes with market prawns but then the skimmer will have to work double-hard as then the skimmate will become a lot.

I buy those prawn with roe in the head :P Chop off the head with the roe and massage/squeeze it in front of your wavemaker. Instant marine snow for all your corals and inverts. Later dig out the meat from the head and feed your fishes with it :yeah: My fishes all go wild everytime I do this. :upsidedown:

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I buy those prawn with roe in the head :P Chop off the head with the roe and massage/squeeze it in front of your wavemaker. Instant marine snow for all your corals and inverts. Later dig out the meat from the head and feed your fishes with it :yeah: My fishes all go wild everytime I do this. :upsidedown:

:upsidedown: later your fishes all have high blood pressure

I use Henry's gourmet food, small blended pcs of prawn meat inside. Sometimes can see the fishes trying to swallow those bigger ones...greedy fellows

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