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Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover - DIY!


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  • SRC Member

One of the advantages of algae is that it grows pods. You don't want to trap the pods and remove them. Anyway, anything that can float and get into your return is food for somebody.

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  • SRC Member

Alright, here's my update. This was taken during maintenance that's why you see now water coming off the screen.

Nitrate results taken using Tetra is 12.5 and I've done my tests over 3 consecutive days all with the same readings.

I have a total of 15 inhabitants and feed 3-5 times daily. Pretty good results without skimmer or FR.



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member
One of the advantages of algae is that it grows pods. You don't want to trap the pods and remove them. Anyway, anything that can float and get into your return is food for somebody.

SantaMonica, on a more sarcastic note, one thing that you WILL WANT TO TRAP. that's bubbles! hahahaha! i'm still having a big problem with mine. May end up doing a sump redesign.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member

Last Results of 2008:

dave3441 on the UR site: "an update for you, been running scrubber since day 1, 19th nov 08 [7 weeks] and tank cycled very quickly 10 days!, although i did have some seeded tonga rock which i kept live bout 15 kgs, the rest was out of water for 36 hours so would have died off. started adding fish at 5 days just 3 chromis to get things fired up then added more fish and corals at 3 weeks still no sign of any additional spikes. its been about 6 weeks now and i have had the very faintest of blooms, just a dusting on glass. cant believe how good this cycle has been compared with first tank set up in 2002. scrubber has been cleaned weekly, to be honest i am cleaning both sides every week as it gets so clogged up :). starting to see some more stable green algee now, and this does not come off like the brown/red/black slime does. i just use a george forman plastic spatula and run it down both sides of screen. i would say i get about 1/2 normal size tea cup off screen each time. i gotta say i think this is a very good system, as the algee is definatly growing on the scrubber rather than all over the tank. i have never seen a new tank without the dreaded algee bloom occuring before. i must add i am skimming, although just with a small mc500 deltec which needs emptying approx every 3 days or so. just did battery of tests today approx 7 weeks running now: sal 1.024, temp 27.5, phosphate absolutly zero crystal clear reading not even hint of blue."

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  • SRC Member

easy peasy la peacemaker, just look for me. just let me know before hand, when i harvest i save one bowl for you.

jyoon thanks for compliments. it will be fun to DIY, wait for your addition to this thread.

Will be trying out a new material for one of my screens to see if it can cut microbubbles. will update.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member

Found a new use for the algae. I acquired a convict tang recently and its been very picky food-wise. been feeding it dried seaweed that costs like um $8 a pkt? but I just realized that my convict tang loves the fresh algae that i pluck off the screen! so yeps, more cost savings, u won't need to buy food for your herbi tangs if they take the algae on your screens!


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member
easy peasy la peacemaker, just look for me. just let me know before hand, when i harvest i save one bowl for you.

jyoon thanks for compliments. it will be fun to DIY, wait for your addition to this thread.

Will be trying out a new material for one of my screens to see if it can cut microbubbles. will update.

Bro John,

How do you cut the slot for the screen (help of hardware shop uncle?) and what shd be the thickness? And how do you ensure the pipe could hold on to the screen?

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  • SRC Member
Bro John,

How do you cut the slot for the screen (help of hardware shop uncle?) and what shd be the thickness? And how do you ensure the pipe could hold on to the screen?

To cut the slot, I recommend to use something called a mill. it gives very nice cut and if you have a work table with a clamp, u can do a really nice slot. I got mine manufactured at a factory. Follow santa's slot size, couldn't go wrong. i think mine is about 8mm. ask iceman also, he has quite a good setup.

Refer to attached picture to how i secure my cloth. I half the cloth over a plastic beam and then slot it into the slit. note that cloth screens cannot be secured using cable tie. the pressure at the cable tie points will rip the cloth eventually. if you're using plastic for the screens however, no problem, just use cable tie.


can come by my place and take a look if u want


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member
To cut the slot, I recommend to use something called a mill. it gives very nice cut and if you have a work table with a clamp, u can do a really nice slot. I got mine manufactured at a factory. Follow santa's slot size, couldn't go wrong. i think mine is about 8mm. ask iceman also, he has quite a good setup.

Refer to attached picture to how i secure my cloth. I half the cloth over a plastic beam and then slot it into the slit. note that cloth screens cannot be secured using cable tie. the pressure at the cable tie points will rip the cloth eventually. if you're using plastic for the screens however, no problem, just use cable tie.


can come by my place and take a look if u want

Should the slit be of equal length with the screen/beam or it doesn't matter if it's longer? Thanks..

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  • SRC Member

underwater, I recommend slit and screen to be of the same length. if you're really gonna build it, PM or call me la. got somethings also i don't know how to document on the forum but will save you some headache.

Santa! that's a GREAT representation of what I was trying to say! THANKS! and i hope it helps everyone else too!


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • Senior Reefer
Use a pump feed:


My water fall pipe on top of my filter wool and some other filter media. no space to put unless i remove my filter wool, bioball and bio ring..... come to think of it, my bioball and ring collect alot of dirt inside it... useless junk

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  • SRC Member

Yes, the balls and wool need to go. They only add nitrate. If you have live rock, then you should be ok while the scrubber starts growing. If not, use a polyfiler or carbon for the first couple weeks to remove ammonia, until the scrubber is going. The scrubber will remove ammonia too, after that.

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