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Clown Surgeon


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Hi, is there anyone who is keeping clown surgeon?

Currently having one in my tank. Feeding on Bamboo Algae and Henry's food.

Tang looks normal except that my Blue Tang and Yellow Tang like to "terrorise" it. My question is what is Clown Tang's sleeping habits? Do they have to slot themselves in between 2 pcs of LR like my BT or do they just hide in within the rockscape like my YT?

This clown tang is just swimming in the open water after lights are off at night. When I wake up early in the morning at 5plus 6, it's also doing the same thing. Is there anything wrong with that?

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As long as the fish is eating and stable, there is no need to worry. This is a very fierce fish. It is only a matter of time before it establishes itself as the alpha fish. Please note, it is not advisable to add anymore Tang after you have added the Clown Tang unless you have a 5ft or bigger tank. If you do, it will most likely kill it.

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