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  • SRC Member

Hi, just came back from work. Upsetted by some things. Let me bitch about it can??

While travelling back via MRT, just one trip, i saw 5 gays.. inclusive of 2 male couples and 1 in army uniform that sashays like a female supermodel! walau!!! what is singapore becoming???????? Do u think they are socially acceptable now? By the rate they are growing in numbers, i certainly believe that Singapore can beat San Francisco to be having the most gay proportions. There are so many that many of us have a few gay friends each!! I think there certainly is a cause for alarm man... Afterall, its a perversion way of life. I certainly do not hope all the guys turning gay, and i certainly pray that my future son will not grow up to be like them too.

Yes, i have a couple of gay friends. If you are my friend, i respect you and your decision. I can see none of them are happy in their choice of life. I don think they will ever ever feel happy. but i feel when i look at those gays looking at each other lovey dovey, it gives me the goosebumps, and yes, i feel disgusted, and discriminating. Maybe I ought to be ashamed of my conservativeness.. But hey, it just dont feel rite eh?? I'd be hypocritical if i pretend to feel right and pretend its normal. Even the government asks us to be more tolerant towards the gays. That means they're actually aware of their growing numbers!!

When there are gays around me and my bf, i will ask my bf to be careful when he goes to the toilet. Ahaha! I have heard many incidences whereby guys peeping at others when at the urinals. Pervert!!!

But I will definitely like them and respect their decisions more, if they had been more of a closet gay and behave themselves in the public..

Many of them are so typically recognised as body-builder figures, sleeveless tops, etc.. It ever came across my mind, y do they want to be so muscular? So that they will scare off straight-guys-who-will-bash-them-ups? Ya.. I quite think so... Especially when they congregate... As they always do.. At clubs, at beach parties, etc.. It really makes you think twice bout beating them up, when u see so many of them so muscular and big sized. Sigh.. even my cousin is gay..

I no longer enjoy myself during clubbing, and i skip beach parties altogether. Cos they're always there. Grinding each other to the music, kissing openly and rubbing each other. For f@#k's sakes!!!!!!!!!

Walau!! They are making themselves a public eye sore! You can see they like the attention of ppl staring at their outrageous ways. I just don think they should be accepted.

And ever since i went to the first ever Zoukout, thats it.. i nvr went to the subsequent ones .. As quoted from my friend ," It turned out to be a big gay party."

Pls! Be a closet gay. If not, GET the f@#k out of Singapore. Dont give the children bad influence. :whistle

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  • SRC Member

I agree totally. i am utterly disappointed at the government's decision to allow gay freedom and openness... It spells a lot of trouble in the future and totally degrade the future generations...

Rest assured that you are not conservative. You are definitely doing the right thing and feeling the right way.

On the topic of degrading, I was also disappointed to see a 9 to 10-year old boy hawking porno VCD outside an MRT station today... :(

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well like I always say, it takes all sorts to make the world.

I'm fine with gay people and/or gay friends. in fact my gay friends provide way better company than any of the girlfriends or guyfriends I have. they at least bother to listen to you whine and do anything within their power to cheer you up. although its a bit of an eyesore, but I guess this topic is the same as couples showing public displays of affection?

maybe its the asian mentality, I don't know. or maybe we're too conservative. I don't know either. I don't want to blame people or schools of thoughts. but I just practice tolerance towards such people. as long as they keep within their boundaries and don't go round killing people, they are fine with me.

my mantra of life. take it easy. think twice. deep breaths. close one or two eyes. and move on. we can't allow something like that ruin our days, or weeks or lifes for that matter. if so, we wouldn't be enjoying it.

alternatively you can always dump money at your friendly marine LFS to "vent" some anger of yours. the terryansimon charity is also open for donations you know. (=

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its like what I always tell my friends who break out in laughter whenever they hear people speak in tamil or something along those lines.

"what makes you so sure that if you were to go their homeland, they wouldn't laugh at you as well? their behaviours right now may seem funny to us, as it isn't the norm...the reverse holds true as well."

like I said. the most important thing is tolerance. like Ted Turner said in today's paper article, let women rule the world lah. they are less concerned with war and violence and spending money for such reasons.

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I am fine with gays.. as long as they dun k k talk n talk, then touch here n there.. later I box them, then they run off crying... sobbing n huggin around their super chio (ala model category) bu frens.. make me jealous.

so vdc.. r u chio? :) I used to like vcd.. now I prefer dvd. :)

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Think we have to be more mature than to just condemn all gays based on what we observed on a small sample of the gay population.

Pls dun be mistaken that I am a part of this congregation. For I am not... I am a 100% straight guy who happens to know some great gay frens... and I feel very strongly that one shall not judge another by his/her skin or his/her sexual orientation...

Come on guys and gals... dun be so shallow....

No flaming pls.... :bow:

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  • SRC Member

vdc its interesting, usually its the girls who are more tolerant of gays than guys. personally I think its not a matter of peer influence, cuz I really don't think gay culture will ever be fashionable, unlike butch culture, cuz gay culture goes against the "macho" aspect of normal guy culture. I think gays are perhaps really predisposed towards it and just happens they manage to find their like kind and all. And I think not all gays are like that, so open, I heard of frens who stayed in the same hall as gays and never knew they were gay till told so, ie not obvious at all. I think its a small no. which are giving them a bad rep. having said all that, personally I can't stand them, I think its a mockery of being a guy, God didn't give us a *ahem* just so we can screw other fella's posterior. :angry:

And yes the gay culture is getting bigger, just check out nite spots, now you have places which specifically cater TO the gay community. which shows just how much influence they exert.

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  • SRC Member

singaporeans wants the government to be more liberal and now they're complaining that the government recognises the existance of gays and even allow them government jobs?(actually the government in the process is contradicting themself. if they say its ok for gays to work for them, meaning they view gays as acceptable and part of the society, then why is sodomy still illegal under the eyes of the singapore's law? unless you're telling me the government feels that gays don't have ###### with fellow gays?)

actually the problem of gays/lesbianism is "normal" in a sense its all part of a developing nation/society. eg. the more developed a nation is, the more gays there are. its all part of social ills which development brings. what could be the cause? men's disgruntment about the decreasing numbers of women which are available or within their reach? or their uneasyness about the ever increasing social standing of the modern women? all this can even be linked to the decreasing number of marriages or new borns. maybe it all comes down simply to the increasing independence of the women? i read that SM LKY actually said he regretted allowing women's admission to the universities.(at least the local ones)

for the issue of gays, whether we can accept them or not, they're here to stay. if we can be made to accept women not marrying, carving up a great carreer and not producing babies to sustain the population(thats what their primary roles as women are, biologically, isn't it?, just like men) why are the gays any different? afterall, 50 years ago the idea of women not staying at home and looking after the babies are unacceptable in most if not all society too.

just my humble views,


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  • SRC Member
Think we have to be more mature than to just condemn all gays based on what we observed on a small sample of the gay population.

Pls dun be mistaken that I am a part of this congregation. For I am not... I am a 100% straight guy who happens to know some great gay frens... and I feel very strongly that one shall not judge another by his/her skin or his/her sexual orientation...

Come on guys and gals... dun be so shallow....

No flaming pls.... :bow:

I dun think we are flaming here, bro... I think everyone here is being objective and has their own opinion they wanna share...

I know a gay friend myself...

I think vdc has a point, he's just illustrating more on the point about the world getting more and more immoral in the name of being liberal...

IMO, there is a strong distinction between the two and we have to learn to differentiate them less we "pollute" the future generations... ;)

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  • SRC Member

Let us not make sweeping statements about the entire gay community on the basis of discrete and rare events that disgust us. In my opinion, the sight of a straight couple kissing, smooching passionately etc is not particularly pleasant either.

You cannot deny that there are gays among us, at the work place, among your friends, and possibly even within the family, but we may not detect their inclination, and this proves that not all gays are comfortable with unnatural behaviour in public.

I am presently doing a music degree in the UK, and there are many gays around me, as is characteristic of the arts scene. I find most of them friendly and sincere, and certainly none of them have ever come across as crude or lewd.

There is always a possibility that our children may not be straight, hence any outright, Unfair form of discrimination is uncalled for.

Hope my views have not been damaging... =P

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  • SRC Member

U are pretty F****** childish. If Your Evidence to support your claims and your reactions were a little more mature and a lot less stupid. i'd cheer u on.

Even the kids are homophobic now. ur right. what is this world coming to

What long replies. u guys should have ur finger strength for a more intelligent argument. than kiddy homo bashing.

Are they stealing all the pretty guys away from you?

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Hahaha, talk about gays, I've been stalked once, approached and chatted up many times by gays, not to mention the all too common stares at swimming pools and toilets. Just don't understand why these things happen to me cos I'm not those hunky,handsome body building type and definitely dosen't talk or behave like a gay.

A few years ago while travelling in a bus, I was sitting next to the window looking at the scenery when I felt something touching me. I turned around and realised the the idi@t sitting next to me had placed his palm on my thigh. I stared at him and before I could give him a punch on his face, he immediately retracted his arm. I decided to let him off to give him the benefit of doubt in case he did it "accidentally". A similar incident happen to one of my buddy, this time the bugger wasn't so lucky. My friend was very agitated and scolded, sweared at him at the top of his voice in a relatively crowded bus. The gay was so shocked that he promptly alighted at the next stop.

Personally, i've nothing against them, in fact, I've a few gay friends who are very nice people. They have right to choose what they want and they can do whatever they want provided they do it with/to one of their own kind. They should not try to disturb others who are straight or try to convert them. :angry:

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I probably have more gay friends than all of you combined. I am in the marketing/fashion/entertainment industry for a good 9 years and when you are in this field... you meet a lot of gay people.

I think I know at least 20 to 30 gay friends, collegues and work acquaintances all these years.

I can say that most of them are nice people. I do feel digust from time to time especially when I find out when some of them are closet gays but am more accepting of those openly gay ones ironically. :huh: Funny how it is usually the more mascular ones that turn me off but its the feminine softer ones that I can accept! They can be a blast!

Perhaps I am quite numb when it comes to this issue.

Frankly, as long as they keep their private lives private and not openly flaunt their sexuality or sexually harass other people, its fine. They are still people at the end of the day, just that their orientation is a bit salah... some enjoy it, some don't, some are confused, some are frustrated, some commit suicide or avoid people or lead very hidden, sad lives.

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  • SRC Member

I hv bad experience as one gay approached me and ask whether to join him to watch the f*** VCD, :evil: ( too bad is not DVD ) but he ran away b4 he get into trouble. ;)

but i that doesn;t made me hate all gays as I would say that is not their choice wanted to be like that. Me and the rest of the parent would also do not want their child to be in this way but some how....

I belive none of us like to see our child to look down by others rite ? so as why shld we do so ! All human regardless of religions, skin or behaviour in this world are the same, Unity is my call. To respect ppl in order let others to respect you. what u think :heh:

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even though we must be 'modern' and accept this ppl, it is VERY wrong to show ur affections in the public, when young teenage couples go pak tor, then even hold hands or hug, ppl start to kao pei kao bu liao, but when gat ppl do this, we say that they're gay and leave them alone, why got double standard??? and furthermore, when girls dress 'very little', we all kao pei and kao bu also, say no decency, but when gay ppl dress 'gay', we ignore them and say that they're gay, why the double standard?

if gay ppl show affections in public, they're inconsiderate and are asking to get beaten, not everyone wants to see a display of intimacy, escpecially by very controversial people....

by 'coming out of the closet', what are they trying to do? they're merely showing their lust for other men, why do we not condemn them totally for doing this as it is merely showing their fantasies and is in bad taste?

why so much double standards?

if ur gay quietly and act and function like a normal member of society without abusing all the perks derived from the double-standards from being gay, i won't say that that is wrong, but if u do stupid indecent things in public, i think its wrong...

FYI, i do not support the 'purple' movement.....

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i been to countries where they hang those coloured flags outside the pubs...

never tried enter one b4.. later kenna pickup.

gays are fine, just dun start wearing women's clothing n act like 1.

btw, women are so chio.. why guys want to be gay..? such a waste.

I have hear of story from one of my chio fren, that there are guys who tried to act gay, so as to get fresh with her. after hearing this, I tried to convince her, I am gay without success.

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