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2+2=4 thread


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  • SRC Member
i see lots of suncorals/super suns

scaping is nice,are they sturdy?

WOW! That was a fast response. Didn't even expect it.

Extremely sturdy bro, they balanced out very nicely. But I kiasu, epoxy at every joint to make sure no earthquake happens. My 8" giant squammie tends to make rocks move quite a bit...used black egg crate below the sand to make sure the rocks sit tight and don't move side to side.

Have a total of 12 sun colonies...hoping to collect more...

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  • SRC Member
i like them though but 1 or 2 is good enfu for me. care to share pic (if any) during your epoxy? though of doing that for me upcoming tank.

Didn't take any pics during the setup process, just of the finished rockscape. Backbreaking work, but satisfying after I see it all together.

I'll take some higher definition pics with my DSLR tomorrow, maybe can get a few shots of the epoxy work for you.

You can see a my Giessman Nova II pendant in my video too :D:eyebrow:

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Is that a golden pendant MH? :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
er... just to check, hope my eyes not blur. why is ur clams sheltered under the rocks ? :unsure: I saw some small and a huge maxi

Don't worry, your eyes not blur.

One crocea right at the top, one maxi under some shade and one maxi at the corner.

The huge one I thought it squammie? All along I thought so :D

Don't worry, the maxis all got some light, not maximum intensity, dun wanna burn them, but got enough :D

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