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Eating Fish While Pregnant, Longer Breastfeeding, Lead To Better Infan

Achilles Tang

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Higher prenatal fish consumption leads to better physical and cognitive development in infants, according to a study of mothers and infants from Denmark. Longer breastfeeding was also independently beneficial.

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if only mummy can produce sufficient milk. not all mum can produce enfu milk for the infant thus got to depend on formula. last i heard is goat milk is the closest to mother's breastmilk. anyway, breastmilk is always the best. full of nutrients and beneficial to the child's growth and development. mother nature doing at its best. it also helps the mother to reduce the risk on brest cancer.

there are many ways to boost milk supply, some myths or scientific but when you desperate, you'll try anything to fulfill your child needs. its really painful if your child is suffering and there's nothing you can do. trust me, you'll give the world to him/her as months goes by. one of the methods passed down from generation is getting your wife to drink papaya soup. alternative, there's some natural herbs or something that you can try. starting with letter b, i think. will find out more if you really interested. anyway, this is really common and your confinement lady will definitely know all kinds of tricks and methods to enhance milk productivity.

one tip, ask your wife to eat durian especially the last month where that is the month where the child is putting on the final touches before presenting him/herself to you. and make sure you see the birth of your child, if possible lah. the memory will be with you the rest of your life!

you know sex of baby? if not, don't! its more exciting that way and you can take bets from your betting mates.

wow! so many to talk about. being a daddy is really fulfilling but tough! though my baby only turned 6 months, there's so many things to learn about. go and check out other forums locally. there are tons of info there that will bring you up to speed!

take care and remember, your wife now is the QUEEN and you are the slave!!! do what it takes to make her as happy as possible coz it'll impact on the baby. take a holiday before she grounded and enjoy the last days of your singlehood. yep! after baby born, dun think about traveling or even think about going to catch a movie or something. life will be completely different but you'll love it when the little one smile sweetly at you! heart melts......

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