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How to kill zoos/green palys


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Can someone help me here. A particular liverock that I got off a fellow forummer began sprouting green palys/zoos couple of days after I put them into my tank. At the beginning I loved them as they were the centrepiece in my tank during the cycling period but now frankly I find them an eyesore.

I want to get rid of them. Would pulling them out at their base be effective? Or do I have to use a scraper to scrap off their base? Thanks

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that particular big rock is sort of a base for the whole rockscape in the tank. thats why i was wondering if i can just scrap the palys off the rock while the rock is in the water. i read somewhere that says zoanthids contain toxins and im not really sure if the palys are some sort of zoanthids.

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ah thanks for the headsup reddevil. but if i just pulled them off the rock or scrapped them off while they are still in the maintank will the toxins affect the fish or corals in the tank?

Whether the toxin affect the residence livestock will largely depend on the number of palys to be removed.

If you are looking at 5 to 10 polyps in a 50G tank, no issue.

But if you are to pull out 50 polyps at one go in a 50G, make sure you have fresh carbon running to absorb the initial toxin discharge.

To remove them, you may use a sharp nose plier or a sturdy tweezer to clamp it at its base and pull it off.

Ensure to remove every bit of tissue remnant on the rock as these tissues are capable of regenerating into more baby palys :ph34r:

Expect a diatom bloom to follow after the procedure. Palythoatoxin are largely proteins which will be broken down biologically.

Hence, it will be beneficial to dose a course of probiotic micro organism to reinforce the biological activities.

Important precaution you should note:

Palythoatoxin will cause severe reaction to mucous tissues and open wounds.

Be sure you do not rub your eyes, nose or mouth accidentally else you could end up with a huge painfull swollen lump.

Hav fun :)


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