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Captive bred orchid dottyback


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Fishes are available.

2cm and above - $40 each

<2cm - $30 each

Swaps can be arranged F.O.C for those who purchased the dottybacks from me earlier but prefer your fishes to stay small. :thanks:

Always something more important than fish.


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waaa bro ur neon gobies.. buy 3 arh?

try keep 2 to breed easier..

i find 3 difficult to breed lehz..

it will b better to breed them without e dottybacks

but guess u running out of space already ?

I have 7 together. I am waiting for them to pair up themselves before selling the rest which refuse to form pairs.

Always something more important than fish.


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I have 7 together. I am waiting for them to pair up themselves before selling the rest which refuse to form pairs.

normally its diff to pair them up with so many together..

i hv one paired with bro terry i duno what happen after i pass him..

hv sell e rest since...

those tht r ready to pair will display good sizing of body n colour

make a note for e conversion of colour between e tip of e tail for sex..

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