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Unknown creature in live rock

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Hi Bros/Sis,

Can anyone please help me identify this "millipede" like creature hiding in my LR? Any urgency to remove it? It moves extremely fast whenever, there is a slight movement. Very difficult before I managed to snap this pic.




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Welcome to SRC, where you get the fastest reef-related advice! ;)

Looks like a eunicid bristleworm. Does it have two large jaws, long thick feelers, thick feet?

Very deadly to your fishes as it a predator and not a scavenger like other bristleworms.

You better crush it and remove it before it eats up all your livestock.

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Welcome to SRC, where you get the fastest reef-related advice! ;)

Looks like a eunicid bristleworm. Does it have two large jaws, long thick feelers, thick feet?

Very deadly to your fishes as it a predator and not a scavenger like other bristleworms.

You better crush it and remove it before it eats up all your livestock.

Thanks Achilles, I got a lot to learn although I had this tank with me for the past 2.5 years!

I can only see it grabbing those sunken pallets near the hole its hiding and its mouth is as large as the diameter of the body!!! Can't see its jaws but certainly can see the feelers and all the legs along the body. It's still quite small and the mouth is abt the size of those small food pallets, but the way I observe it sucking at the pallet and swallow it whole piece certainly do worry me when it grows bigger.

At the moment, no fish yet, just a turbo snail, 2 hermit crabs and 1 boxer shrimp as the leftovers during a disaster last month where all my fishes gone. Mine is LR and fishes setup only. Nothing fanciful yet.

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