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newbie at marine hobby!

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Hi Fellow-Enthusiats

I have been keeping Freshwater fish for many years now, i've always been putting off setting up of a marine tank!

So i've finally decided to set up my very own marine tank. I've done some reading on the set up but i normally don't

take views from one source only! So if any of you kind souls would care to share any valuable information in setting up a marine tank, please just keep the info coming........ i will be most grateful.

Now let me share with you guys what i have to start the setup;

1) 4x1.5x2 (LxWxH) 10mm thickness

2) 9 pcs Filter boxes (4ft OHF) (Q:Whats a good filter media to use for marine set up)

3) Gravel to form abt 3.5 inches in my 4ft tank (thinking of using tis plus sand over it)

4) UV Sterilizer

And now my questions;

1) I understand that it may take many weeks to cycle the marine tank, but what media should i start using?

2) Any recommendation for the kind of marine salt i should use?

3) when can i add in the live rocks

ok i think i better stop here before i bore every reader to death!!!

till next time folks....

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Hi Fellow-Enthusiats

I have been keeping Freshwater fish for many years now, i've always been putting off setting up of a marine tank!

So i've finally decided to set up my very own marine tank. I've done some reading on the set up but i normally don't

take views from one source only! So if any of you kind souls would care to share any valuable information in setting up a marine tank, please just keep the info coming........ i will be most grateful.

Now let me share with you guys what i have to start the setup;

1) 4x1.5x2 (LxWxH) 10mm thickness

2) 9 pcs Filter boxes (4ft OHF) (Q:Whats a good filter media to use for marine set up)

3) Gravel to form abt 3.5 inches in my 4ft tank (thinking of using tis plus sand over it)

4) UV Sterilizer

And now my questions;

1) I understand that it may take many weeks to cycle the marine tank, but what media should i start using?

2) Any recommendation for the kind of marine salt i should use?

3) when can i add in the live rocks

ok i think i better stop here before i bore every reader to death!!!

till next time folks....

Dont forget Protein Skimmer! one of the most important equipment in marine aquarium.

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Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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hi fellow devil mate.. :P

its not recommanded to use OHF

gravel also have to remove it.

salt can get coralife if u are on budget,else can try grotech which im using now.. or get the D&D salt.. heard its good.

regarding ur rocks..

once u get ur salinity level right,u can add those rocks in and the cycle begins! but please remember to add LIVErocks

and also.. if u want to speed up process, add bacteria booster. 1 i would recommand is from rowa.

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1 basic cycle is A(ammonia) N(nitrite) N(nitrate). In this order. Get ur saltmix ready, add in LRs u buy from fishshops or fellow reefer. Throw in a piece of raw prawn to kickstart ur ammonia cycle. When the prawn starts to rot, it will produce ammonia.

Get the testkits for the ANN too. To help u keep track whether ur Ammonia is progressing to the Nitrite stage, and from nitrite stage to nitrate.

Get these points done first, and we will be glad to help if u have any more doubts.

While waiting for all these to be done, go visit the library or read up on online resources. Search for keyword "Cycling of a marine tank", "Setting up a new marine tank."

My 2cts.

pico pico pico.

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Hi and welcome to SRC! :)

Please check out the pinned-up links at the top of the newbie forums for quick tips to starting a marine tank so you'll have a smooth and easy journey! We have more than 6 years of very good advice from many experts as well which will save you money and heartpain over the long run!



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  • SRC Supporter
Hi and welcome to SRC! :)

Please check out the pinned-up links at the top of the newbie forums for quick tips to starting a marine tank so you'll have a smooth and easy journey! We have more than 6 years of very good advice from many experts as well which will save you money and heartpain over the long run!



its true,i learn alot from the pinned up links from bawater(i think) years back :)

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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Hi Guys

Thank you you all for the support, really appreciate the warm welcome.

i will read thru the pinned posts but i think it will take me some time to digest it!!!

I understand about the gravel, but not so much about the OHF! Cos my OHF is the 9 box type, even if i use a sump tank wouldn't it be the same? Pls enlighten me, and what would be suitable option.

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I understand about the gravel, but not so much about the OHF! Cos my OHF is the 9 box type, even if i use a sump tank wouldn't it be the same? Pls enlighten me, and what would be suitable option.

OHF is different from a sump tank. OHF normally not used in marine because the splashing of the water will cause salt creep on the sides of your aquarium. Its more of a practicality reason. A sump usually has a pipe return water to it without any splashing and also your sump contains extra water volume compared to your OHF.

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OHF is different from a sump tank. OHF normally not used in marine because the splashing of the water will cause salt creep on the sides of your aquarium. Its more of a practicality reason. A sump usually has a pipe return water to it without any splashing and also your sump contains extra water volume compared to your OHF.

one other [and IMO the main] reason is because wetdry type filtration is rarely used on marine setups. the majority of sumps on marine tanks are matrix style, and full of LR, because wetdrys full of bioballs or similar eventually lead to nitrate problems.

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