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RedSea Berlin Protien Skimmer

Acanthurus pyroferus

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it's really a good habit to have patience in this hobby,no kidding :bow: ....i admit i dun, which is why i have pretty much ended stocking already...sigh, where's the fun now? :P

yeah....some who have great patience like you, can afford to wait and see, others like me, dun want to wait and see, have already got going and moved on ;)

which is why i must emphasize, if one practise great patience, you can probably not grow out of the RSB. It is a great skimmer for patient reefers who dun overstock their tanks too fast :)

I know what you mean because it's sometimes hard for me too.... :lol: but I guess we each have our own methods and practices when it comes to this hobby.

Wait for the big bang next year where SPS rules with just an RSB.... ;)

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600cc suzuki can hit 100km/h with probably not much more room to spare for higher speed.

WRX can also hit 100km/h but with a lot more room to spare for higher speed.

Yes small one can do the job but doesn't work as good as the larger one!

we'll just have to wait and see what happens when my tank fully stocked up then.....then you will know how your EuroReef compares.... :lol: remember small gets around..... ;)

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errm... fully stocked up like 5 tangs + one big group of anthias in 6ft + 5x daily feeding and still NO3 near to 0ppm (like 0.1 to 0.2ppm) ???

Or fully stocked up means a few small fishes that don't require feeding?

A lot of difference you know?

If the former then I junk my current skimmer and go for the RSB.

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  • SRC Member
errm... fully stocked up like 5 tangs + one big group of anthias in 6ft + 5x daily feeding and still NO3 near to 0ppm (like 0.1 to 0.2ppm) ???

Or fully stocked up means a few small fishes that don't require feeding?

A lot of difference you know?

If the former then I junk my current skimmer and go for the RSB.

what do you wish.... I can do it both ways.... ;) I will follow and show you that it works for me.... ;)

No lah don't throw away such good skimmers leh....waste money

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I wish you had 5 medium tangs (tang police pls don't come & raid her tank). + one dozen anthias.

Feeding 5x daily heavy with cyclopeez + 5 cubes of mysis each time :P

Then we see what happens after 3 months.

and see if SPS still got color or your 6ft is full of expensive chocolate sticks :P

Junk means I sell it away then get RSB, can save some money and electrical bills, of course if what I wish if possible then I'll be very happy.

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yeah...i think the RSB works just fine for Acanthurus pyroferus coz of the patience of stocking as well as the non desire to have a large number of fish,

like i said, by the time the tank matures for a year and stocked lightly, the choice of skimmers might be inconsequencial already....one can probably use a weipro instead of a RSB and save more money and skim kopi-O also....but if i can wait till that long, seriously i would go the no-skimmer method....using algae turf as natural nutrient exporters.... ;)

I agree that the redseaberlin is good for Acanthurus pyroferus's patient method and suits the slow stocking method perfectly fine....

but when it comes to the crunch...ie. performance under stressful conditions in other applications, the RSB may not be able to take it...

eg. throw 50 or more fishes in 2 control tanks, one with RSB, one with any of the other larger skimmers mentioned before....

seriously, i can know which one can handle such simulated *stress* better in just a finger snap...

that's why we are not saying the RSB is useless, just that it has considerable limitations esp when it comes to impatient reefers or reefers who stock patiently but want to stock alot....

sad to say, many reefers are not that patient to wait a year or so before stocking up....thus i feel that for the money they pay for a RSB, they might as well buy another skimmer or even pay slightly more for a skimmer that can give them more flexiblity in stocking rate as well as stocking limit...knowing that the skimmer has more capability to meet the stocking demands :)

but of coz i can agree with Acanthurus pyroferus that RSB works like a dream in the patient method of reefing *thumbs up* :D


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I wish you had 5 medium tangs (tang police pls don't come & raid her tank). + one dozen anthias.

Feeding 5x daily heavy with cyclopeez + 5 cubes of mysis each time :P

Then we see what happens after 3 months.

and see if SPS still got color or your 6ft is full of expensive chocolate sticks :P

Junk means I sell it away then get RSB, can save some money and electrical bills, of course if what I wish if possible then I'll be very happy.

come to think of it I am more confident then I ever was before and 5 tangs is quite easy actually.... ;)

we can talk the whole day here but when it's done I'll show you the results..... ;)

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yeah...watever we want to say, already said....

so just wait lor.....wait....wait.....wait and wait

seriously, we can ask bro robe who have moved on from berlin to embrace it again, bro morgan, our boss AT, all those who have too much money to spend on electricity now to get a RSB classic in....due time when you stock finish and all of them gives a wow.... ;)

aiyo...by then i think RSB berlin will increase price since demand went up......better go get one now :lol:

knowing me...dun put off buying something knowing that can buy it today :lol:

[er...isnt it dun put off doing something knowing that you can do it today? ooops :lol: ]


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yeah thats what I'll do so patience is what I practice in this hobby.... ;)

tat's an important requisite for success in this hobby...not reefers like me, who always want results in the shortest time... :)

but seriously, do you think if you upgrade to the berlin XL with the turbo upgrade kit, it will be even better for your system? ;)

if berlin classic can support up to 6ft...then the XL turbo probably can handle a 10ft or 12ft with ease hor

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yeah...watever we want to say, already said....

so just wait lor.....wait....wait.....wait and wait

seriously, we can ask bro robe who have moved on from berlin to embrace it again, bro morgan, our boss AT, all those who have too much money to spend on electricity now to get a RSB classic in....due time when you stock finish and all of them gives a wow.... ;)

aiyo...by then i think RSB berlin will increase price since demand went up......better go get one now :lol:

knowing me...dun put off buying something knowing that can buy it today :lol:

[er...isnt it dun put off doing something knowing that you can do it today? ooops :lol: ]


no....don't want them to move to RSB because I want to be the only one in SRC to own one.... :lol:

They can stick to their EV's and Becketts.....and waste alot of money... :lol:

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Thinks everyone know that Bubbles contact time in the skimmmer play a part too, IF a RSB uses a modified needle wheel pump and with its Triple Pass Technology (the bubbles actually flow back due to its secondary tube within the skimmer to increase the contact time), won't its be as good as a H&S.. no doubt it's size is small...most H&S skimmer have only one cylinder core (Thats why they employ a separate needlewheel pump to recirculate the bubbles within the skimmer). Pardon me if I'm wrong.

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Thinks everyone know that Bubbles contact time in the skimmmer play a part too, IF a RSB uses a modified needle wheel pump and with its Triple Pass Technology (the bubbles actually flow back due to its secondary tube within the skimmer to increase the contact time), won't its be as good as a H&S.. no doubt it's size is small...most H&S skimmer have only one cylinder core (Thats why they employ a separate needlewheel pump to recirculate the bubbles within the skimmer). Pardon me if I'm wrong.

the insump version uses 1 pump to draw in water as well as air and chop...just like the berlin turbo version...the basic berlin classic does not have this needlewheel pump included...it is available separately as a turbo upgrade ;)

yeah..quality of contact may be as good...especially with the larger berlin XL version with turbo upgrade.....but the sheer volume of bubbles in those large fatter chambers of deltecs/H&S/Euroreef needlewheel skimmers exceeds the volume of bubbles in the berlin..

in other words, perhaps the same quality of work done, but berlin will produce less quantity of the same quality work, by losing out on volume ;)

but if the deltecs/H&S/Euroreef style skimmers are of the exact same dimensions as the berlin classic....the initiative will no doubt be handed over to the berlin classic :)

otherwise, why dun underwater world or public aquariums just use a few small skimmers? simply because the quantity of quality work done by small skimmers simply cannot match the quantity of quality work done by bigger skimmers ;)


a small skimmer that can produce 10/10 on skimming quality but outputs 5units of skimmed water per unit time.....a larger skimmer can produce 10/10 on skimming quality but outputs 10 units of skimmed water per unit time..

if the system outputs less than 5 units of organic saturated water per unit time, then the small skimmer can cope since it can produce 5 units of quality skimmed water...thus system in control

but if the system outputs more than 5 units of organic saturated water per unit time due to dieoffs or simply natural metabolic wastes, then it is easy to see why the larger skimmer is up to the job....

in this case, size.....does matter ;)

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aiyah what for compare to public aquarium and oceanarium's....talking about normal tank size in HDB leh....aiyoh...terok...terok..... :rolleyes:

ok..to bring it back to our home aquarium.... <_<


a small skimmer that can produce 10/10 on skimming quality but outputs 5units of skimmed water per unit time.....a larger skimmer can produce 10/10 on skimming quality but outputs 10 units of skimmed water per unit time..

if the home tank outputs less than 5 units of organic saturated water per unit time, then the small skimmer can cope since it can produce 5 units of quality skimmed water per unit time also...thus home tank in control

but if the home tank outputs more than 5 units of organic saturated water per unit time due to dieoffs or simply natural metabolic wastes due to heavy stocking, then it is easy to see why the larger skimmer is up to the job....and the smaller skimmer simply cannot cope

so if you have a small skimmer, you should not overstock or stock too fast...coz the smaller skimmer just can't process fast enough water to cleanse the system that is producing more units of dirty water...

just maths ;)

and those tall skimmers will simply put the triple pass technology of the RSB behind them...as triple pass just means...the water travels about 3 times the height of the RSB skimmer....but some skimmers are already more than 3 times the height or for the matter, width of the RSB skimmer....

the advantage of the triple pass just means that you can almost have a skimmer 3 times as tall...but actually it is just 1/3 the height coz of the triple pass...

but for reefers who has space for larger, taller skimmers, triple pass already lose to their single pass skimmer ;)

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