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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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now i really wanna go!

Those are v old stocks, but i think the juvi sanguineus is still there and i remember the price is 298000 yen, u do the conversion.

Two more fishes from japan waters which are v rare: C.Lanceolatus and C.Lunatus

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can lah. can afford some :/

the ultra rare one forget it lah. but some of the ineresting cheaper rare fish can. like multilineatum, nippon,lunatus.

lunatus cost US 110 there. about the price of a rhomboid.

Realy, good to know it's so cheap. But think lunatus is v rare for them also so the chance of u finding one is quite slim. I think u need help from Dr.Tanaka if u reli wan to get hold of one. Buy a few more back if u can find them and sell them at the double the price to cover your trip expenses. I'll be one of your customer.

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  • Senior Reefer

Those are v old stocks, but i think the juvi sanguineus is still there and i remember the price is 298000 yen, u do the conversion.

Two more fishes from their waters which are v rare even for themselves: C.Lanceolatus and C.Lunatus

lanceolatus looks too much like roseafascia. if have and if the price is too exorbidant, i won't consider. unless it's affordable.

lunatus i will definitely get if have. it costs about the same as a rhomboid here +-

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  • Senior Reefer

Realy, good to know it's so cheap. But think lunatus is v rare for them also so the chance of u finding one is quite slim. I think u need help from Dr.Tanaka if u reli wan to get hold of one. Buy a few more back if u can find them and sell them at the double the price to cover your trip expenses. I'll be one of your customer.

According to Dr. tanaka, lunatus is uncommon even in Japan, but the price is not ridiculous. probably coz it's local?

he lives in Miyazaki and i will try to go there. because there are LFS there too and it's very scenic. You can even catch your own butterfly and angelfishes there. juvenile ones are very common there and are easily caught by yourself. Free!

and if i do go there, i do hope to meet him. Even if cannot, never mind. Because Japan is such a nice country and i've wanted to go for years but never had the chance.

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According to Dr. tanaka, lunatus is uncommon even in Japan, but the price is not ridiculous. probably coz it's local?

he lives in Miyazaki and i will try to go there. because there are LFS there too and it's very scenic. You can even catch your own butterfly and angelfishes there. juvenile ones are very common there and are easily caught by yourself. Free!

and if i do go there, i do hope to meet him. Even if cannot, never mind. Because Japan is such a nice country and i've wanted to go for years but never had the chance.

I think the only interesting butterfly u can catch for yourself there will be nippon. I remember seeing a post of some japanese netting juvenile nippons using hand nets by the shore.

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  • Senior Reefer

I think the only interesting butterfly u can catch for yourself there will be nippon. I remember seeing a post of some japanese netting juvenile nippons using hand nets by the shore.

yes. unfortunately, nippon is so dull. waste money only.

if really so suay nothing to buy there coz too ex or dun have anything, then pictures will do lah hor? :)

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yes. unfortunately, nippon is so dull. waste money only.

if really so suay nothing to buy there coz too ex or dun have anything, then pictures will do lah hor? :)

Of course, pls take pics, esp of those v rare and expensive fishes tat we cant afford. I hope u can see those rare fishes in person like white tail mesoleucus angelfish, Rusty Flame hybrid angel, mauritius coral beauty, tiny sanguineus wrasse, illegally caught wild resplendents, lipogrammas, tonstrinum basslet and all the rare fairies etc, then come back and share w us. Mux have a fruitful trip, japan is the only place in the world where rare fish gathers!

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  • Senior Reefer

Of course, pls take pics, esp of those v rare and expensive fishes tat we cant afford. I hope u can see those rare fishes in person like white tail mesoleucus angelfish, Rusty Flame hybrid angel, mauritius coral beauty, tiny sanguineus wrasse, illegally caught wild resplendents, lipogrammas, tonstrinum basslet and all the rare fairies etc, then come back and share w us. Mux have a fruitful trip, japan is the only place in the world where rare fish gathers!

yes. being a fish nut, go japan dun go BH is a waste.

dun worry i will take tons of photos. good thing about BH is no matter wat time of the year, have some nice things to see too.

the first week of august plane ticket is dam ex because of NDP holiday. so maybe 2nd or 3rd week bah...

i have 3 weeks of holiday for the YOG.

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The "true bathyphilus (*1)" comes only from Holmes Reef of Australia and Chesterfield Bank near New Caledonia, while those from Vanuatu (*2-4) are now in study by me and a friend to determine its status.

The species (*5) is known from Fiji and Tonga (locally called Tonga Flame Fairy Wrasse) that is an undescribed one that will be named. The prolonged spine on the first dorsal fin cannot be seen in any bathyphilus.

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an undescribed wrasse from coral sea.

it resembles mccosker, but has a very strong dorsal filament. it looks like a cross between flavianalis and mccoskeri, but shows no clear characteristics from either parents.

looks like a new species. shown below is a true mccosker.

these photos are quite old BTW.

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I mixed up Paracheilinus attenuatus with Paracheilinus angulatus... But both I am looking for... Might sell one of the angulatus if I can catch it... And yes, this is the first time i saw a Paracheilinus Angulatus...

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I mixed up Paracheilinus attenuatus with Paracheilinus angulatus... But both I am looking for... Might sell one of the angulatus if I can catch it... And yes, this is the first time i saw a Paracheilinus Angulatus...

omg how can you mix them up?

paracheilinus attenuatus is found in kenya. and it's soo soooooooo oo oo oooooooooo much prettier than angulatus!!!! and SO MUCH RARER.

anyway angulatus is not very rare. CF occasionally have. but this is my first time seeing such big alpha sized ones.

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omg how can you mix them up?

paracheilinus attenuatus is found in kenya. and it's soo soooooooo oo oo oooooooooo much prettier than angulatus!!!! and SO MUCH RARER.

anyway angulatus is not very rare. CF occasionally have. but this is my first time seeing such big alpha sized ones.

Should have asked you... I have been waiting for 6 years for this fish because I never seen it before...

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  • Senior Reefer

Should have asked you... I have been waiting for 6 years for this fish because I never seen it before...

which one u waiting 6 years?

both have came to singapore before.

harlequin brought in attenuatus before during africa shipments a long time ago. that was the only time i know of them coming to singapore. it's a very beautiful flasher.

as for angulatus, seen it quite a few times in CF, and that was the only place you can obtain it. Now iwarna brought in so there's 2 LFS with supply of angulatus. iwarna's one is so alpha and beautiful compared to the washed out sub male specimens in CF.

anyway both are nice but if u ask me, attenuatus is way more worth the hunt.

the only flashers WORTH getting IMO, is

- attenuatus (obtainable. just need to get LFS bring in)

- mccosker (meh. common, but one of the nicer common ones)

- angulatus (boo. can keep 1 just coz it's unique. but that's it)

- rubricaudalis (amazing stuff. fiji/vanuatu ONLY. there was once iwarna brough in a harem but i din buy. dam regret)

- octotaenia (yes! beautiful flasher from the red sea. obtainable.)

and of coz not forgetting the super unobtainable ones.

- bellae (keep dreaming)

- piscilineatus (HA! got money oso no use)

- walton (pfft. stop fooling yourself)

- hemitaeniatus (one of the most beautiful flashers IMO)

- tongaensis (looks EXACTLY like angulatus, but dorsal fin is rounded, not pointed. other than that, not much difference)

both of which are so extremely rare.

and then we have these 5..

- cyaneus

- filamentosus

- carpenteri

- flavianalis

- lineopunctatus

* all are so very common and seriously, no thrill in buying. for beginners, its reccomended because it's cheap, hardy and still nice. but for veterans like us, these are really not worth because there are so many nicer specimens out there that we can hunt. like some of those above.

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  • Senior Reefer

Anyway, I think those cardinal we got might not be A. Cyanosoma... It is A. properupta similar to Cyanosoma..

aiyah. negligible difference lah.

both looks 99% identical...

anyway, A. properupta can look amazing as well. in fact, i think it's alot nicer than cyanosoma.

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