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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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EXACTLY LOL. I TOLD HIM. "better dun let digiman know"

lol. seagrass alone is not nice. but i like all the other macroalgae.

Nevermind mah... LOL... Different tank theme.. Too bad they are difficult to maintain...

ANYWAY, back to topic...

Flavicuada from where ah?

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Nevermind mah... LOL... Different tank theme.. Too bad they are difficult to maintain...

ANYWAY, back to topic...

Flavicuada from where ah?

oh! flavicauda is from fiji! recently discovered in tonga.

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scuba rob is going to build the ultimate deepwater tank with the fishes he caught.

into the tank goes this baby sanguineus hog and also the baby fuscipinnis anthias he caught awhile ago. he's planning to catch a 3cm bandit angel next.

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scuba rob is going to build the ultimate deepwater tank with the fishes he caught.

into the tank goes this baby sanguineus hog and also the baby fuscipinnis anthias he caught awhile ago. he's planning to catch a 3cm bandit angel next.

This sanguineus is so nice but the price tag is also very "nice".. Will look for a more red Bimaculatus and bluff myself it is a Sanguinues.. LOL...

I dun mind the baby fuscipinnis, Looks so like a blotchy anthias..

Edited by Terryz_

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Lemon, RC stated that Resplendent is easy leh.. And they are so pink when stable.. Why not try them?

yup i saw. they are referring to P. pulcherrimus.

yeah thinking of trying... since they are way less aggressive than bartletts.

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yup i saw. they are referring to P. pulcherrimus.

yeah thinking of trying... since they are way less aggressive than bartletts.

Yup.. I am really confused what are the anthias that we are getting Resplendent or Randell? They look more like Resplendent but they come from Maldives leh?? Philippines shipment also have?

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Yup.. I am really confused what are the anthias that we are getting Resplendent or Randell? They look more like Resplendent but they come from Maldives leh?? Philippines shipment also have?

check fishbase.

im fine with both actually lol.

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Pseudanthias randalli


Pacific Ocean: Philippines to Niue, north to the Ryukyu Islands.

Pseudanthias pulcherrimus


Western Indian Ocean: Maldives, Chagos Archipelago, Seychelles (Ref. 10685), and Mauritius

So it is Randell???

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Pseudanthias randalli


Pacific Ocean: Philippines to Niue, north to the Ryukyu Islands.

Pseudanthias pulcherrimus


Western Indian Ocean: Maldives, Chagos Archipelago, Seychelles (Ref. 10685), and Mauritius

So it is Randell???

yes. the ones we are getting is randall.

ok lah. the difference is so negligible.

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Marianas and guam - Centropyge shepardi

Marianas - Cirrhilabrus katherinae

Micronesia - Cirrhilabrus earlei, Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, Belonoperca pylei, Liopropoma tonstrinum

Marshall Islands - Paracheilinus bellae, Cirrhilabrus johnsoni, Liopropoma tonstrinum

West Papua - Paracheilinus waltoni, Paracheilinus nursalim, Cirrhilabrus cenderawasih

Izu Islands - Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus, Tosanoides flavofasciatus, Pseudanthias rubrolineatus, Chaetodon daedalma, Cirrhilabrus katoi, Cirrhilabrus lunatus, Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus, Cirrhilabrus katherinae

Bonin Islands - Genicanthus takeuchii, Chaetodon daedalma

Ryukus - Chaetodon daedalma, Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus

Marcus Islands - Genicanthus takeuchii

Cocos Keeling - Centropyge joculator

Timor - Cirrhilabrus morrisoni

Coral Sea - Cirrhilabrus walshi, Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus

Solomon Islands - Cirrhilabrus walindi

Christmas Islands - Liopropoma tonstrinum

Papua New Guinea - Premnas biaculeatus var., Tufi Damselfish, Pseudojuloides mesostigma

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Mainland Hawaii - Genicanthus personatus, Prognathodes basabei, Bodianus sanguineus, Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus, Liopropoma aurora

Midway Atoll - Genicanthus personatus, Centropyge interruptus

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yes. the ones we are getting is randall.

ok lah. the difference is so negligible.

I am more concerned about the feeding habit and aggressiveness.. But from the two males that I have, they dun feed frequently and they accept more meaty food compared to others.. The others will pick off the cyclopeeze floating in the water column but they will feed during feeding time too...

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Red Sea - Pseudanthias heemstrai, Pseudanthias taeniatus, Cirrhilabrus blatteus

Mauritius - Cirrhilabrus sanguineus, Centropyge debelius, Zebrasoma gemmatum, Plectranthias pelicieri, Paracheilinus piscilineatus, Pseudojuloides erythrops

Reunion Islands - Apolemichthys guezi, Centropyge debelius

Madagascar - Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus, Amphiprion fuscocaudatus

Africa - Apolemichthys kingii, Liopropoma africanum

Seychelles - Pseudojuloides erythrops, Amphiprion latifasciatum

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Ascension Island - Centropyge resplendent, Priolepis ascensionensis

St. Helena - Chaetodon sanctaehelenae

St. Paul's Rocks - Aberrant Holacanthus ciliaris

Carribean/Atlantic (Not shown, NW) - Liopropoma carmabi, Gramma dejongi

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Lord Howe - Chaetodontoplus bellae

Fiji - Cirrhilabrus marjorie, Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, Liopropoma tonstrinum

Cook Islands - Cirrhilabrus claire, Paracentropyge boylei, Centropyge narcosis

Pitcairn Islands - Chaetodon smithi, Genicanthus spinus

Easter Islands (Extreme right, not shown in picture) - Chaetodon litus, Centropyge hotumatua

Marquesas - Centropyge loricula var., Pseudanthias regalis

Kermedac Islands - Genicanthus semicinctus

Vanuatu - Paracheilinus rubricaudalis, Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus

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Wassup with you? Listing all the location for the LFS to get supplier from ah??? LOL..

the world map split up into the major coral reefs where super rare fishes are found. feel free to add those i missed.

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Flavicuada from where ah?

Flavicauda is typically imported through vanuatu shipment, but they're rare. So not seen v often.

scuba rob is going to build the ultimate deepwater tank with the fishes he caught.

into the tank goes this baby sanguineus hog and also the baby fuscipinnis anthias he caught awhile ago. he's planning to catch a 3cm bandit angel next.

The ultimate Hawaii deepwater tank has long been achieved already, and none other by blueharbour mr koji wada. He keeps a display tank where inside contains a sanguineus hog, 2 fuscipinnis anthias, many hawaiiensis ventralis, one personatus male which has turned a bit female, P.basabei, and other super rare non-hawaii fishes like debelius angel, multicolor x coral beauty hybrid, kellogi plectranthias, guyanensis butterfly etc. There's also another separate tank where he keeps the ultimate deepwater butterfly from hawaii, Roa Excelsa!

chingchai now wants a pair of personatus, a school of ventralis, a pair of dejongi, a pair of sacura... and many more.

The pair of personatus has to wait for a while. The rest are quite obtainable to him.

This sanguineus is so nice but the price tag is also very "nice".. Will look for a more red Bimaculatus and bluff myself it is a Sanguinues.. LOL...

I dun mind the baby fuscipinnis, Looks so like a blotchy anthias..

U cant bluff a sanguineus using a bimaculatus! Fuscipinnis is also v ex, commanding the same price as sanguineus as they're caught at the same depth despite sanguineus being a little harder to catch. The baby fuscipinnis is gg to cost a bomb also! U've to see a fuscipinnis in person to realise the difference between it and blotchy are worlds apart!

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