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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Huge FOWLR tank with beautiful scaping. A lot of expensive and rare fish:


Hybrid Goldflake,

Platinum clowns,

Crosshatch pair


The owner added a clarion after tat but is now for sale.


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Rare fish video. I forgot the name of this fish. Anyone who knows pls advice:

Thanks Terry for the name. It is Xiphasia setifer. Can be found in indonesia shipment, but it requires a deeper sandbed to dive in and may be hard to feed. not really suitable for home aquarium. But still an interesting fish to watch.

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Rare fishes for sale at Splashsea Japan:

1) Roa Modestus, 11cm, S$300. This is one butterfly that i hope to get one day!


2) Microgobius Carri. V rarely available from West Atlantic. Through caribbean shipment.



3) Lastly the ultra rare Rainfordia opercularis, 9cm only. Price: S$12000!!! It is on par with the price of personatus angel!! Here is an update video showing it feeding on mysis. A really cool fish.

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And now for the once in a lifetime hybrid!!

A pakistani x racoon butterfly!

This fish came in from a maldive shipment and is selling at 49800 yen at a Japan LFS(e-aquarise.net) which is about S$770.

What's more valuable is this fish is only 6 to 7cm.

Here are many photos of this stunning hybrid:






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