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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Rare Toby:

Canthigaster Axiologa

This toby was found at CF. I wanted to buy after i managed to confirm the ID, but someone beat me to it and bought the fish. Whoever bought the toby if u see this post pls note that the toby u got is C.Axiologa and not the common C.Valentini.



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Rare Toby:

Canthigaster Axiologa

This toby was found at CF. I wanted to buy after i managed to confirm the ID, but someone beat me to it and bought the fish. Whoever bought the toby if u see this post pls note that the toby u got is C.Axiologa and not the common C.Valentini.

Hope can see it again although chances very slim, It is a gorgeous pc...

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1 went to US, 1 went to Blueharbor, 1 to B-Box, and now 1 to Splashsea. So that makes it four rainfordias collected already in such a short period of time but there is still so little info on the fish especially where and how they are collected.

Now it gives me some hope that i can get one, although still it is not likely to happen anytime soon.

I was told that B-Box got theirs from Blue Harbor, and that one we got in the US way back was an accidental catch. So that leaves only two specimen recently captured.

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  • SRC Member

Rusty flame. Hopefully we'll see them coming in next week.

Have they came? which LFS bringing in?


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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The lemonPeel is gorgeous.

If anyone here dares to comment onthe Rabaulichthys anthias saying it's gorgeous and where to get it, I'm going to start yelling

Rabaulichthys anthias it's gorgeous and where to get it?

There you go start yelling.

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Lemon, digiman, Terry and whoever contribute to this thread, do keep it going, love to read the rare and exotic fishes that we seldom see on our shores.Thumbs up for you guys.

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon, digiman, Terry and whoever contribute to this thread, do keep it going, love to read the rare and exotic fishes that we seldom see on our shores.Thumbs up for you guys.

you don't need to say this just because.

i'm only very unhappy whenever people say "no one told us about something, or there is lack of exposure". it ticks me off because look at this thread. hundreds of pages on just about anything you can know if you just hit the search button. how much more exposure do you need.

so much exposure. people just don't want to read.

as long as it benefits someone in someway, that's all that matters.

anyway this discussion brought up before long ago lah and i really don't care if people read or not. just don't say that we never expose anyone here that's why people don't know. at the end of the day if something interesting comes in, and I appreciate it, that's all that matters.

anyway a new trimma species from raja ampat, a treasure throve of rare fishes.


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