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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Nothing too rare about the fishes except for the two clarions in there. There's also a black tang and goldflake. We all know this is pieter's 2000 gallon tank but sadly it no longer look like this after a ick and velvet outbreak.

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This is another tank from europe that i like a lot. I like the choice of fishes. It is a chaetodontoplus heaven: Conspic pair, True personifer and blueline angel. Not to also mention the eye-catching anampses feminus, carmabi basslet, a big school of evansi anthias which are v difficult to keep alive and a pair of flame wrasse that stay so closely to each other!

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Not sure what's up with all the Rainfordia lately but looks like SplashSea got a hold of one too.

1 went to US, 1 went to Blueharbor, 1 to B-Box, and now 1 to Splashsea. So that makes it four rainfordias collected already in such a short period of time but there is still so little info on the fish especially where and how they are collected.

Now it gives me some hope that i can get one, although still it is not likely to happen anytime soon.

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  • Senior Reefer

Rem me of my 5cm tinker that came died in the bag. :rip:



i've never seen juvenile tinkers before even in pictures. small ones are super rare

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  • Senior Reefer

on the topic of tinker,

here's a v old photograph of tinkeri back when it was an undescribed species. here is 2 pages of the official description papers.



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i'll never forget this specimen.

the smallest flavocoronatus i've seen.

This does not look like a pure flavo either. Those coming out from marshalls now are all mutts. Pure blood are extremely rare in marshalls. The only place where pure blood flavo can be found with any regularity is Guam but there is no collection.

this tinker is very beautiful.

the thick yellow border on the dorsal fin is gorgeous.

It looks a bit like a declivis but is a tinker.

Those tinker coming to us are getting bigger and bigger.

I recall my first tinker from LCK was 3.5" and during tat time i did not think it was small. Couple months ago another 3+" tinker appeared at LCK but the price was 500.

Now so many tinkers came at cheaper price but are all giants! Come to think of it i rather pay 500 to get a smaller tinker.

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