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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Justnow, my kids was playing with my laptops while I napping.. Realize they post some their creative typing here.. :pinch: curious they know posting?? I deleted liao.. Sorry about that... :cheers:

Back to rare fish update... more pics piebald yellow tang from exotic aquarium..


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callanthias japonicus

pseudanthias elongatus

The callanthias is gorgeous. But the need of low temp below 20 turns me away.

Trachinops brauni from australia.

Another coldwater fish not suitable for captivity locally.

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Four v similarly looking chrysiptera damsels, which is your favourite? Or if u've been thinking that they are the same, now note the difference!

Starting from top left going clockwise: C.Gidi, C.Hemicyanea, C.Anarzae, C.parasema. All except Gidi are frequently available. Gidi is not found in the trade as yet and it likely will not appear in the trade ever due to its protected habitat in west PNG.


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Four v similarly looking chrysiptera damsels, which is your favourite? Or if u've been thinking that they are the same, now note the difference!

Starting from top left going clockwise: C.Gidi, C.Hemicyanea, C.Anarzae, C.parasema. All except Gidi are frequently available. Gidi is not found in the trade as yet and it likely will not appear in the trade ever due to its protected habitat in west PNG.

I vote C. arnazae.. :thumbsup:

Below r some writing and background few years back, Previously, C. arnazae a,k,a C. parasema... :)




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  • Senior Reefer

samchez, that damsel is very very common. it's the blue devil damsel. and cf always have.

but the one u posted has a red tail and it's a colour variant. a rare variant. it's normally either yellow or blue.

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what about this? never see at LFS before....

This is v rare. Haven seen it here yet. There is one in David saxby's old tank on youtube, the red on the tail is v striking!

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the Callanthias japonicus is settled down nicely in the shop in thailand.

it's selling for $350USD! cheap for such a rare fish!

Beautiful. It is a big anthias too which requires a lot of swimming space.

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This is a weird skunk clown i got recently.

The stripes on both sides of the clown is not equal in length. I feel it's a hybrid between A.Akallopisos and A.Perideraion as it has the stripes of Perideraion but the body colour of Akallopisos. What's your take?

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  • Senior Reefer

This is a weird skunk clown i got recently.

The stripes on both sides of the clown is not equal in length. I feel it's a hybrid between A.Akallopisos and A.Perideraion as it has the stripes of Perideraion but the body colour of Akallopisos. What's your take?

i feel that it is also a hybrid. maybe not a spectacular one since both parent species are so similar looking.

like the big longnose and the normal longnose. when both hybridise, no one really knows coz the difference is too subtle.

and the S. pictus is gorgeous. but fierce!

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i feel that it is also a hybrid. maybe not a spectacular one since both parent species are so similar looking.

like the big longnose and the normal longnose. when both hybridise, no one really knows coz the difference is too subtle.

and the S. pictus is gorgeous. but fierce!

Yes the two parents are so similar and v common, but i always wonder how come they dun hybridise readily like lemonpeel hybrid. I always only see pure A.Akallopisos and A.Perideraion and rarely their hybrids.

The pictus is v fierce, but not the fiercest fish in the tank! I hope it stays small as long as possible.

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Yes the two parents are so similar and v common, but i always wonder how come they dun hybridise readily like lemonpeel hybrid. I always only see pure A.Akallopisos and A.Perideraion and rarely their hybrids.

The pictus is v fierce, but not the fiercest fish in the tank! I hope it stays small as long as possible.

here's my take.

clowns are benthic spawners and social fishes. the males and females need to stay with each other long enough to express dominance/recession and start spawning.

also, since they are benthic, they lay eggs systematically and fertilize them on the spot.

chances of hybrids occuring is quite slim.

for angels, if they are very similar in complex like rusty/flame, lemonpeel/vroliki etc, then pelagic random egg scattering spawning may occur. and since they scatter their eggs and sperm in water, chances of cross-fertilisation between other species that may be spawning at the same time is likely to occur.

since most angels spawn at the same time during dusk.

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