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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

another pure white tang, this time it's called powder.

there's another one called casper from not too long ago.

powder has a sliver of yellow on his ventral and ana| fin.


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  • Senior Reefer

One of the best photo taken of an alpha male rhomboid.

Sadly they never look so nice in my tank.

bradley has 3 alpha male rhomboids which he has kept for years.

he started with 1 male and 2 females. but all morphed into alpha males. his are really gorgeous. the picture depicts true colours. no enhancements.

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  • Senior Reefer

very beautiful, very under-rated and very uncommon.

Angulatus flasher wrasse. (Paracheilinus angulatus)

the name says it all. the angled fins look like an arrow. awesome species.

uncommonly imported from Philippines. iwarna and CF are the only 2 LFS to bring them in.


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i bought 2 of them before but not with me anymore.

the highly lunate tail and angular fins make this species very unique from the other members of the genus.

Super nice! Yours are even nicer den bradley's one becos of the longer body and finnage.

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  • Senior Reefer

Super nice! Yours are even nicer den bradley's one becos of the longer body and finnage.

yah but no more already. they MIA-ed.

that was during the early days of my tank.

angulatus is very uncommon!

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  • SRC Member

very beautiful, very under-rated and very uncommon.

Angulatus flasher wrasse. (Paracheilinus angulatus)

the name says it all. the angled fins look like an arrow. awesome species.

uncommonly imported from Philippines. iwarna and CF are the only 2 LFS to bring them in.

reborn use to bring them in, thats how i got mine.

definately one of the most underrated wrases and also one of my favourites.

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  • Senior Reefer

reborn use to bring them in, thats how i got mine.

definately one of the most underrated wrases and also one of my favourites.

not sure how regularly reborn brought them in.

but if they did then there's 3 LFS bringing them in.

they are found only in some parts of philippines, so they can be quite difficult to find.

they occasionally form hybrids with lineopunctatus flasher wrasses and the filamented flasher wrasse.

the hybrid of angulatus and lineopunctatus is my personal favourite and it is ABSOLUTELY mesmerising.

i've not seen this hybrid for sale here before though!


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