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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

the NICEST potteri x fisher ever.

this is the 4th one so far? this one has alot of potter's blood.

v amazing how the potteri and fisheri from two very different complexes can hybridise.

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V nice snowflake occelaris! Hope we can get it soon.

Below is the new potter x fisher hybrid angel tat Copps got. It's under QT and doing v well.

I like this one... very stunning.. :thumbsup:



LFS Map in singapore
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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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Omg... Those r cool clown man... Hopefully bro fuel can breed like those...

Already have clowns like those (if you are talking about the picassos). Just that not many people wants to pay 3 digits for clownfish. I'll be saving them for Aquarama, probably get better pricing there.

Always something more important than fish.


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this is ridiculous!'

the pure flavocoronatus is gorgeous!!!! the hybrid is very tinkeri.

Pure blood flavo!

The only way to get this now is through marshall shipment. But there is only one diver collecting these deepwater butterflies and he has only seen two pure blood flavo in many years of diving.

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  • Senior Reefer

a possible maroon clown hybrid.

my friend said this one had no spines on both sides of the cheeks, a trait that only maroon clowns possess.

but the photo is too blurry. perhaps the spines broke off.


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Pomacentrus reidi!

OMG this one is v special and beautiful.

a possible maroon clown hybrid.

my friend said this one had no spines on both sides of the cheeks, a trait that only maroon clowns possess.

but the photo is too blurry. perhaps the spines broke off.

Looks like a normal juvenile maroon clown to me.

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  • Senior Reefer

OMG this one is v special and beautiful.

this one looks abit like a centropyge almost!

the ventral fins are long and have the filament that many centropyge angels possess.

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this one looks abit like a centropyge almost!

the ventral fins are long and have the filament that many centropyge angels possess.

Haha ya. But like all damsels, P.reidi is only nice when juvenile.

Grow bigger and it becomes like this:


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  • Senior Reefer

Haha ya. But like all damsels, P.reidi is only nice when juvenile.

Grow bigger and it becomes like this:



the fairly new damsel from brunei is nice. featured on reefbuilders not too long ago.

pomacentrus something.

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  • Senior Reefer

Look like freshwater fish to me. lol

able to get me my eight line flasher, attenuatus flasher and other fishes i've emailed you from the first time? :)

just got back from china not too long ago. time to re-start the collection again :)

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  • Senior Reefer

Marble coral beauty from vanuatu


Tank full of marcellae butterfly in a Japan LFS new west africa shipment. Now wonder marcellae butterfly is running out here!


marble coral beauty? rubbish lah after awhile it will turn into nonsense. i never trust these deep water weird morphs anymore!

the marcellae butterflies are crazy. how is japan able to get so many!!! the amount there is the same number of ridiculous clowns we get from indo shipment!

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