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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Grey angel and french angel are almost identical when juvenile. But when they grow up becomes different. French are more available than grey angel.

Grey angel


french angel


a random blackburni butterfly


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  • Senior Reefer

digi - the pictures you posted are extremely gorgeous!

all the angels are super rare except the french and grey.

the blackburnii is super amazing! can't wait to get mine in april/

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digi - the pictures you posted are extremely gorgeous!

all the angels are super rare except the french and grey.

the blackburnii is super amazing! can't wait to get mine in april/

Ya extremely extremely rare! HK is an angels heaven. All these are residing in HK now, envy the HK reefers!

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  • Senior Reefer

the amazingly rare hybrid flame x coral beauty is not HK's own import.

according to my friend in HK, it was obtained from Japan. even after the disaster they can still get all this amazing rare fish! and ship to HK! japan and HK are unbelievable!

the aberrant flame angels according to my HK friend, is a joke. she kept one before but the bars eventually returned after a few months. it's probably a xanthic morph that's why. i think only the true barless marquesan flame will not return bars. since it's a geographical variation and not a colour variation.

blackburnii according to her is easy to feed but difficult to keep as it's one of the more sensitive butterflies. get infection and body sores easily.

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Two extremely expensive angels for sale now in Japan. I've a feeling they will stay in the store forever!

Conspic meredithi hybrid (850000yen = S$13000)


Nigriocella dwarf angel (1380000yen = S$21000)


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  • Senior Reefer

Paracheilinus rubricaudalis is a gorgeous flasher wrasse from Fiji and Vanuatu.

liveaquaria has been getting many of them in recently! there's a slight variation between fiji ones and vanuatuan ones. the difference is in a tiny line on the tail.




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the nigriocella is a new one or the same old one?

i thought it has already been sold?

Old one. Dun think it's sold yet.

bro, any idea how much xmas emperor cost?


xmas emperor iwarna brought in once only. They are not rare, but jux seldom collected and usually collected big. Price is cheaper den a bandit.

A v rare aussie coldwater damsel, Parma Mccullochi.


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Actually Chromis vanderbilt is not so difficult to get.

This week came one of the uncommon fish, Lipogramma klayi. Forgot to bring our camera. Hope the owner will share with us better picture of it in his tank!




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Good news for clownfish lover! Lightning maroon clowns secretly bred!

More info at RB.

See pic below for the lightning babies! These babies do not come from the famous lightning maroon breeding project.


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