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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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The other one is a yet to be described species often affectionally known as the "pintail" or "splendid" fairy wrasse. It's very similar to Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus, and is often conferred to it. Thus the temporary scientific name, Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus.

The pintail is nice as always. One day i really hope to see it in our cebu shipments!

In the pic also can see the v rare guyanensis butterfly.

I have also posted these pics before.

Very beautiful hybrid lemonpeels from SRS Vanuatu. SRS Vanuatu is a supplier supplying Vanuatu fishes. Iwarna's vanuatu supplier is SRS Vanuatu.

but we've not seen these in a long long long time.

The last lemonpeel hybrid is gorgeous.

here's a video digiman posted before on C. katoi.

two males in the wild flashing at each other. insane

Amazing Katoi. But the surrounding water looks cold. Japan fishes are all challenging cos they comes from cooler water.

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  • Senior Reefer

interesting u mention that.

someone on RC just asked me if there is such thing as any cold water cirrhilabrus.

i told him i honestly do not know. but i assume katoi and lanceolatus require cool water since they're from japan. but i said i dont know coz i've never kept one and almost no one except koji wada has kept one. so i can't say on their ability to adapt.

but all cirrhilabrus regularly offered to the trade can adapt to warmer tropical temperature around 27-28C.

i also said maaaybe the super deep water ones like blatteus and claire may also need cooler water. but then again no one knows coz no one has ever seen them before in the wild, much less in the trade.

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This hobby cant do without angelfish!

Morphing goldflake is v nice:


Rare armitagei angel:


Random rusty flame:


Cute shot of an interruptus:


And a scary shot of the uber rare debelius:


Mauritius Coral Beauty:


Beautiful Joculator, who still say it looks like a bicolor??


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  • SRC Member

This hobby cant do without angelfish!

Morphing goldflake is v nice:


Beautiful Joculator, who still say it looks like a bicolor??


Wow the joculator really looks DAMN NICE!!! awesome eyes.. looks like a lady.. so diff from bicolour (i always think it has no diff with it now my mindset change haha)

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Wow the joculator really looks DAMN NICE!!! awesome eyes.. looks like a lady.. so diff from bicolour (i always think it has no diff with it now my mindset change haha)

Joculator win over bicolor because it is more beautiful, more reefsafe, stay smaller and more hardy!

The only downside is it's expensive, costs 50 times tat of a bicolor.

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Ok i got my facts wrong. Elongatus anthias is actually a deepwater and rare anthias to get from Japan. A lot of japan stocklist will list this fish cheap but actually cannot get. Like rubrolineatus anthias it is deepwater and NEEDS low temp to survive.

This juvenile below was selling at S$2k in Japan!!! It costs so expensive as it's a juvenile. Adults are slightly cheaper.


The juvenile above will grow into a big female below (females are nicer than males for elongatus):


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  • Senior Reefer

Ok i got my facts wrong. Elongatus anthias is actually a deepwater and rare anthias to get from Japan. A lot of japan stocklist will list this fish cheap but actually cannot get. Like rubrolineatus anthias it is deepwater and NEEDS low temp to survive.

This juvenile below was selling at S$2k in Japan!!! It costs so expensive as it's a juvenile. Adults are slightly cheaper.


The juvenile above will grow into a big female below (females are nicer than males for elongatus):


the one you pictured is a male.

the light yellow one behind is female.

when the male is displaying to the female, it will change colour to this. anthias can "flash" like fairy wrasses when displaying.


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  • Senior Reefer

this may look like the normal cheap common chromis,

but it's not. it;s one of the rarest chromis in the world.

it's endemic to only ONE island in the marquesas, the island of Fatu Hiva.

It's chromis fatuhivae


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