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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Rare fish video from jmaneyapanda:

The rare fishes in the video in order of rarity, rarest first:

1. Guyanensis x Aya hybrid butterfly

2. Guyanensis butterfly

3. Xanthichthys sp. 'dorsopunctatus' (New deepwater triggerfish from christmas island)

4. Mccullochi Clown pair

4. Clarion angel

5. Conspic angel

Other common fishes includes mitratus, declivis, flame wrasse, blue face etc.

He also recently added a pair of v rare Armitagei Angelfish:

He got a pair when it is so hard for us to get even one!

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Deepwater Rare fish photos from Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium website.

Liopropoma Aragai (100m to 200m)


Liopropoma Japonicum (200m to 400m)


Cephalopholis Igarashiensis aka Neptune Grouper(~200m)


Holanthias Borbonius (~150m in Japan)


Not deep nor rare, but v nice alpha male pascalus anthias


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Crosshatch pair on DD. :)

Crosshatch are the nicest triggerfish! However most of the time they are too big, 7 to 8 inches!

So unless u've a 5ft tank at least, it's not possible to keep these beauties long term. Tat's why it'll always remain an unpopular fish.

But if anyone wants to get these triggers, it is not tat rare. Let LCK and Iwarna know and they'll special order for u. Price is about 200 to 350 depends on size, male or female.

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Crosshatch are the nicest triggerfish! However most of the time they are too big, 7 to 8 inches!

So unless u've a 5ft tank at least, it's not possible to keep these beauties long term. Tat's why it'll always remain an unpopular fish.

But if anyone wants to get these triggers, it is not tat rare. Let LCK and Iwarna know and they'll special order for u. Price is about 200 to 350 depends on size, male or female.

big tank goes well with deep pockets.lol

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  • Senior Reefer

these are flame angels coming in from hawaii.

flame angels from mainland hawaii is VERY rare. in fact, it is one of the rarest dwarf angels on the island. the most common dwarf angels to be found in mainland hawaii are potters and fisheri.

all flame angels from hawaii shipment are caught from marshall islands, christmas islands and other nearby islands. hawaiian ones are rare and seldom caught.





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  • Senior Reefer

these are normal flame angels from everywhere else. they are usually reddish orange with a lighter coloured middle portion.

flame angels from hawaii - red through out.

flames from everywhere else - red-orange.





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  • Senior Reefer

flame angels from the marquesan islands typically come in like this.

these are geographical variations and most, not all, flames from marquesas appear like this.

most oftenly only one bar, but may have short tiny remaining ones.

since marquesas is not mainland hawaii, the flames from this area are orangey-red



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  • Senior Reefer

however, flame angels with the marquesas like markings can be found elsewhere too, although very rarely.

in marquesas - many of them are predominantly barless flame

everywhere else - barless form can be found but as a very rare coincidental morph.

like this one.

this one is from mainland hawaii as seen by the deep blood red colouration. but it is not only rare, it's made rarer because it is the barless morph!


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  • Senior Reefer

this is my old specimen from reborn, which came in from hawaii shipment.

as i said before, hawaii shipment only means the fishes are transit from hawaii but not necessarily caught there. this one is 99% from marshalls or christmas islands.

u can see this specimen exhibiting partial barless pattern of the marquesas morph.

unfortunately it died. as with all flame angels i keep.


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  • Senior Reefer

sometimes, flame angels can also exhibit bars, which are not black, but orange.

these are called xanthic flames. the bars will overtime revert back to black.

buying xanthic fishes are always a waste of money because they always revert back to original colouration.


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  • Senior Reefer

convinced now?

it could be a very red christmas island or marshall island flame, but my money is on a true pure blood red hawaiin one.

the barring for hawaii flames are usually fewer than marshall/xmas island ones.

xmas and marshall flames usually have many bars.




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convinced now?

it could be a very red christmas island or marshall island flame, but my money is on a true pure blood red hawaiin one.

the barring for hawaii flames are usually fewer than marshall/xmas island ones.

xmas and marshall flames usually have many bars.

I think the better question to ask is: Is the Hawaii red flame only limited to Hawaii? Can the more red christmas flame be as red and indistinguishable from the true hawaii flame. If the answer is yes, den there is no need to hype over the true hawaii flame and pay 1k for the fish!

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true blood red hawaii flame is only found in hawaii.

there's many articles written about it already.

But i've saw a few v red christmas flame tat to me is indistinguishable to the hawaii flame. And with so many flames exported out each year, how sure are they that the hawaii red form does not occur in christmas island at a small percentage say like 0.1%?

Also genetically they are the same. What all the articles hav wrote are based on colour and patterns variant. Jux like how Copps feel the rusty flame hybrid is the same fish as shepardi angel, i still feel a hawaii red form of flame angel can also occasinally be found in christmas island.

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yup can still be found there i guess.

maybe the difference is in the barring?

According to article, the difference is in the colour, xmas more orange while hawaii more red. The barring is highly variable in xmas species, so using barrings as a gauge is not v accurate and definitely not convincing.

Never mind u can send your pic to Dr Tanaka, Copps and GB to see wat's their take on this.

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