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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Different people will have different tastes. Like how I would never pay $1000 for a Johnsoni wrasse but would readily spend the same amount on a leather coral or a rare clownfish like chagosensis/fuscocaudatus. Even if the Johnsoni sells for $50, I would not buy it, as I do not have interest for such fish (probably what other reefers thought of the leucozonas anthias). Like the time when Tricinctus clown was made available, I was the only nut who would spend $100+ on it when most ppl thought of it as a normal clarkii clownfish.

Singapore is a very small country and the amount of people in this hobby is rather insignificant when you look at U.S & Japan. Even if 10% of reefers in U.S wants a certain fish, the demand is easily many times greater than the 10% here. You can try to convince ppl what fish is worth getting but not all will be swayed. The only way to increase demand significantly is to increase the overall number of people entering this hobby.

Always something more important than fish.


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Singapore marine market is still quite immature at the moment, It only started to get more active after the nemo craze 7-8 years ago... Before that Singapore marine scene is pretty quiet.. SO it might take years for singapore to get japan, hk standards...

Edited by Terryz_

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the horshoe leather jacket

this is one of my fav file fishes.

it's very rare and beautiful but it grows to a huge size!

not super rare,but something that i'm proud of ;)


multicolors can be very nice especially if can find a big crowned one.

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  • Senior Reefer

Different people will have different tastes. Like how I would never pay $1000 for a Johnsoni wrasse but would readily spend the same amount on a leather coral or a rare clownfish like chagosensis/fuscocaudatus. Even if the Johnsoni sells for $50, I would not buy it, as I do not have interest for such fish (probably what other reefers thought of the leucozonas anthias). Like the time when Tricinctus clown was made available, I was the only nut who would spend $100+ on it when most ppl thought of it as a normal clarkii clownfish.

Singapore is a very small country and the amount of people in this hobby is rather insignificant when you look at U.S & Japan. Even if 10% of reefers in U.S wants a certain fish, the demand is easily many times greater than the 10% here. You can try to convince ppl what fish is worth getting but not all will be swayed. The only way to increase demand significantly is to increase the overall number of people entering this hobby.

it's not about asking people to buy. it's about building awareness amongst the already small population here.

no one needs to buy the leucozonas. i'm just saying it will be better if people at least know what it is and then can update on the forum and let others know, or appreciate the fish for it's rarity or beauty.

no one asking anyone to buy anything. it's the awareness that we're trying to encourage here.

increasing demand is difficult for a small country like us because of our very small buying power. but it could be better improved if people know what they want and can ask for it.

increasing demand is something i hope to achieve one day but it's not my priority. trying to improve awareness here is something i strive to achieve and i'm very happy when people express interest and ask for advice on certain things.

i'm so happy and will gladly explain and help because it makes me happy that our awareness is spreading to other reefers!

people like marcovan have asked me about vanderbilt chromis

Ming69 have asked me about longnose butterflies in reef tanks.

clam chowder have expressed interest in marcellae and tinker butterfly.

even meaty LPS lover like lcf425 have tried keeping numerous dwarf angels and want to try keeping tinkeri and is willing to try vanderbilt chromis now.

that's what i hope for. just 1-2 years ago no one would know what a marcell's butterfly or a vanderbilt chromis was. but these fishes have been in the trade for many years alerady! so i'm very happy and genuinely feel motivated when people express interest.

it means our hybrid thread and posting is working and it's not going in vain.

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anyway back to topic...

Centropyge potteri is the most common angel in Hawaii waters.

Most people would think flame angels are the most common but here's an interesting fact.

flame angels are very rare in hawaiian waters. people assume flame angels are very common in hawaii because they come in hawaii shipments by the truckloads. the truth is, the flame angels collected from hawaii shipments are from nearby islands like the marshall islands etc, and then transit in hawaii before shipping out to us.

true hawaiian flames are blood red and i've posted it somewhere here before.

this is the most common dwarf angel in hawaii. the potter's angel.


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occasionally, potters angel come in with more blue colouration than normal.

iwarna's SPS pond has one of these inside which aunty and i have put in.

Potter's are difficult fishes and blue ones like these are uncommon, but are not impossible to obtain.





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awesome blue potters..

now there is another choice of blue fish! :D

the full blue one is super super rare. i think only 1 or 2 have ever been found and sold.

but the more blue one, that's more obtainable and i've seen a few times in LFS before.

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ups for a good thread! i feel that it should be pinned in the event it dies down in the future at least it won't be lost

Thank U. But there's no need to pin, cos i update almost weekly minimum and as such this thread is the most active one in the reef fish forum.

the horshoe leather jacket

My favourite filefish from Australia. But it almost never appear in the trade, one of the reason being it grows too big for home aquarium. Also it requires cooler water, and not reefsafe, as such v unpopular and is best left in the ocean.

not super rare,but something that i'm proud of ;)

Multicolor is one of the most unique centropyge. Used to be my favourite angel until i kept one at 3 inches which was a nightmare as it attacked every new centropyge tat i added into the tank.

the full blue potter is super super rare. i think only 1 or 2 have ever been found and sold.

but the more blue one, that's more obtainable and i've seen a few times in LFS before.

From wat i know, only one. And it was not for sale and in a Japanese LFS display tank for many years.

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Wa this shark max out at 8 inches only! Most suitable shark for home aquarium.

But it is found in 1000ft depth, too deep to catch and bring up to the surface alive!

Now possible already. Wonder when they will use this for aquarium fish. :D

4,000 meter hyperbaric fish trap aquaria respirometer

Article on National Geographic News

Always something more important than fish.


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the only fish that can make my heart melt to a puddle instantaneously.

how apt! behind it is a bicolor foxface with exact same colour combination.

it looks like freshwater Boesemani Rainbow... :)



LFS Map in singapore
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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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it looks like freshwater Boesemani Rainbow... :)


yah the shape does resemble the rainbow.

smithi butterfly is found in the remote islands near tahiti and it's unobtainable because of it's location.

it's very beautiful and gorgeous and very abundant in the wild

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11 new species discovered in indonesia. Some of them are have already been discussed before in this thread while some haven't.

Many species are v interesting and if made available will be v popular in the hobby. Like Caitlinae dottyback, Jace dottyback, Charlenae Anthias, Giti damsel and Nursalim flasher wrasse are all v unique and gorgeous fishes suitable for reef aquarium.

Below is a part of the original article translated from Malay:

11 new species discovered at Raja Ampat (from top, left to right) respectively Pterois Andover, Pterocaesio monikae, Pseudochromis Jace, Pseudanthias charlenae, Pictichromis caitlinae, Melanotaenia synergos, Chrysiptera Giti, Paracheilinus Nursalim, Hemiscyllium galei, Corythoichthys Benedetto, and Hemiscyllium henryi

Head of Research Center for Oceanography Alam Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Suharsono, in Jakarta on Monday (4/19/2010), introduces 11 new marine species names found in the waters of Raja Ampat, West Papua Bird Head.


Hemiscyllium galei, or walking shark that looks like a small shark with a color-small bump small bump like a gecko walking on the ocean floor. The fish was discovered by Australian researchers, Allen and Unmack in 2008 and its name is taken from the name of Jeffrey Gale.

Hemiscyllium henryi, a walking shark Hemiscyllium galei similar to but different forms of patterns and colors with H.galei. The current shark found Allen and Erdmann in 2008 and his name is taken from Henry Wolcott.

Melanotaenia synergos Unmarck found Allen in 2008 and whose name is taken from the name of the Synergos Institute.

Corythoichthys Benedetto, a sea horse that looks like a crocodile is very slim. Allen and Erdmann discovered in 2008 and its name is taken from the name of former prime minister of Italy, Benedetto Craxi.

Pterois Andover is a red pterois found Allen and Erdmann in 2008 the name was taken from the name Sindhuchajana Sulistyo.

Pseudanthias charlenae, small fish are bright pink name taken from the name of Prince of Monaco, Albert II.

Pictichromus caitlinae a small brightly colored fish that are found Allen, Gill, and Erdmann in 2008 the name was taken from the name of Caitlin Elizabeth Samuel, Caitlin as a birthday gift from her parents, Kim Samuel Johnson.

Pseudochromus Jace, a unique small fish that is found by Allen, Gill, and Erdmann in 2008, the name is an abbreviation of the name Jonathan, Alex, Charlie, and Emily, who was the fourth son of Lisa and Michael Anderson.

Chrysiptera Giti, a small fish that looks thorny found by Allen and Erdmann in 2008 and its name taken from a company owned by Enki Tan and Cherie Nursalim, the company that GITI Europe Joint.

Paracheilinus Nursalim, Allen and Erdmann discovered in 2008 and its name is taken from the name and Itjih Sjamsul Nursalim.

Pterocaesio monikae taken from the name of Lady Monica Bacardi.

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nursalim flasher is super gorgeous and i posted all about it here before.

search nursalim in this thread and you should see some pictures.

there's another new flasher discovered around that time called Paracheilinus waltoni.

waltoni and nursalim flashers were discovered about the same time and both look very very nice.

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here's pictures of nursalim and waltoni flasher.

waltoni can be differentiated from nursalim but the absence of the black bands on the dorsal and caudal region in flashing males.

P. waltoni is found only in Raja Ampat, West Papua. P. nursalim is found on the southwestern side of Bird's Head peninsula, also in West Papua, and southeast to Triton Bay.

None have been caught so far and all photos are from the wild.

first and last pics - nursalim.

middle - waltoni




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