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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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It will be the perfect culling machine. :thumbsup:

Cute little buggers...



"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Cute little buggers...

I think they look a bit scary to me. Slimy and bug-like!

The tank below makes me wish to go back to FOWLR tank. But maybe i'm biased but i like the conspic the most in the tank. The clarion and true personifer are ugly, the emperor looks a bit deformed, the blueline and bandit do not shine.

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Some interesting fishes at LA:

1) Rusty Flame hybrid (This piece is stuck there for two weeks already. US pple, if u dun wan the fish anymore pls send it to singapore! I wan!)

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2) Yellow Scopas (This is a common color variant. Iwarna CF Pinnacle etc all will have)

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3) Chromis Limbaughi (Cute little chromis when it's small)

post-10328-021915300 1291692493_thumb.jp

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As i'm posting, some of these fishes are available at the LFS.

1) Wat is this? Black Gumdrop?

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2) Beautiful Male Sunset Anthias (CF currently still have many! If u wan act fast)

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3) Mitratus Butterfly (CF has two but sold out)

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4) Semeion Butterfly Juvenile (CF has one piece now at the tanks at the back)

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5) Plectranthias Pelicieri (Super rare hawkfish. Costs about 2k. Hope one day RB or CF can bring in!)

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6) Pseudanthias Sp. from Bali (This beautiful anthias is a kashiwae anthias lookalike, it has appeared a few times at Irene's Bali shipment. Keep a lookout)

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7) Joculator Angelfish (CF now has two pieces left. Those who wan be quick, else it'll be another long wait. Only CF is bringing in this fish now!)

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8) Canary Damselfish (Deepwater Cook island fish. Cheap and beautiful but as usual cannot get here becos no cook island shipment after Henry stop bringing in)

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9) Ventralis anthias hawaii (Obtainable but mux wait. Expensive at 250 to 350 per fish. LCK and CF brought in before but most of them died)

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the pseudanthias cf. kashiwae is gorgeous but usually don't look so nice in real life.

but i've never seen before

It looks v nice when it jux arrive, the shocked colour is v intense and brighter than a kashiwae. U may be right when it calms down the colour will not be as intense and will be more kashiwae lookalike.

If din remember wrongly RB also brought once in their indo shipment with a lot of other bimaculatus anthias.

Our SPS will hav the black gumdrop inside? And pple will throw away. Thought it is rare, cos it looks like a rare fish to me.

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  • Senior Reefer

It looks v nice when it jux arrive, the shocked colour is v intense and brighter than a kashiwae. U may be right when it calms down the colour will not be as intense and will be more kashiwae lookalike.

If din remember wrongly RB also brought once in their indo shipment with a lot of other bimaculatus anthias.

Our SPS will hav the black gumdrop inside? And pple will throw away. Thought it is rare, cos it looks like a rare fish to me.

rare but many ppl believe it will harm the sps.

so they throw away.

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Plectranthias Nanus. Extremely small perchlet at 2cm only. Suitable only for a nano.

According to reefbuilder it is a rare and unusual import from Cebu philippines. But i dun think i've not seen this at CF, what do u think?

post-10328-070690500 1291859002_thumb.jp

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From ReefBuilder, Anampses lennardi is the rarest of the anampses family currently. It hails from Western Australia where fishes are rarely collected becos the supplier there are so pampered with their corals supply that they have grown too lazy to swim and chase after fishes.

Lennardi wrasse being an anampese is difficult in care and probably as tough as feminus can be.

In this video there are many beautiful lennardi and ends off with many corals eye candies:

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  • Senior Reefer

From ReefBuilder, Anampses lennardi is the rarest of the anampses family currently. It hails from Western Australia where fishes are rarely collected becos the supplier there are so pampered with their corals supply that they have grown too lazy to swim and chase after fishes.

Lennardi wrasse being an anampese is difficult in care and probably as tough as feminus can be.

In this video there are many beautiful lennardi and ends off with many corals eye candies:

Holy crap so many!!! Lennardi is gorgeous and ultra rare. N

Many of them in the video look very stressed. Half will die as it's a terribly difficult fish. Sand too shallow for them. Many are trying to bury but cannot and will add to more stress

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A series of baby fishes starting from the rare to the rarest to the rarest of the rare!

Baby Africanus Angel

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Baby marcellae butterfly

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Baby bandit angel

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Baby personatus angel (one and only one piece in the whole world and it's currently residing in BlueHarbour Japan)

post-10328-084624100 1291911867_thumb.jp

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