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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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LADD made a typo. it should be arquatus and not arguatus.

Suezichthys arquatus is a very rare wrasse from Australia and New Zealand.

It is cool water species and is very difficult to keep.

The males are very very beautiful and the pictures online do no justice. Kuier's book have very nice photos but i'll post some other day.

here's a male and female pic from google.

The genus Suezichthys boast of many VERY RARE and gaudily coloured males but almost all of them are very very very difficult to obtain. and i believe LADD's S. arquatus was the first. and they don't grow big too!

Female is nice also. But sadly it's a cold water species, not suitable for our tropical climate!

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super amazing fairy wrasse collection from huskerreef of reef central!

Adornatus (Cirrhilabrus adornatus)

Balteautus (Cirrhilabrus balteatus)

Lineatus (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)

Sailfin (Cirrhilabrus cf tonozukai) - Undescribed species

Kwazulu (Cirrhilabrus sp) - Undescribed African species. "Rubriventralis-complex"

Rhomboid (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis)

Earlei (Cirrhilabrus earlei)

Johnsoni (Cirrhilabrus johnsoni)

Jordani (Cirrhilabrus jordani)

Naokae (Cirrhilabrus naokoae)

Lunatus (Cirrhilabrus lunatus)

Pintail (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) - Pintail fairy wrasse

Labouti (Cirrhilabrus laboutei)

Marjorie (Cirrhilabrus marjorie)

Kathrinae (Cirrhilabrus katherinae)

here's a list of his collection. at the end of the video he posts some v nice photos!!

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are all of these fishes available in singapore

Adornatus (Cirrhilabrus adornatus) -- Common, Ah Beng, Iwarna, LCK, CF etc all hav

Balteautus (Cirrhilabrus balteatus) -- Rather common, Iwarna, LCK, CF all hav

Lineatus (Cirrhilabrus lineatus) -- Rather common, LCK aussie shipment

Kwazulu (Cirrhilabrus sp) -- Very rare, LCK

Rhomboid (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) -- Rather common, Iwarna, LCK, CF, RB all hav

Johnsoni (Cirrhilabrus johnsoni) -- Very rare, CF

Jordani (Cirrhilabrus jordani) -- Rather common, Iwarna, LCK, CF, RB all hav

Naokae (Cirrhilabrus naokoae) -- Rather common, Iwarna, CF, Irene

Labouti (Cirrhilabrus laboutei) -- Common, Iwarna, LCK

Marjorie (Cirrhilabrus marjorie) -- Rare, Iwarna, LCK

Kathrinae (Cirrhilabrus katherinae) -- Not available

Sailfin (Cirrhilabrus cf tonozukai) -- Not available

Pintail (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) -- Not available

Lunatus (Cirrhilabrus lunatus) -- Not available

Earlei (Cirrhilabrus earlei) -- Not available

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  • Senior Reefer

Rarer than all the man-made Crystal Red Shrimp morphs.

High-White Wild-Caught Alpheus Randalli pistol shrimp.



i cant believe this got on reefbuilders! total nonsense!

and post this in the correct invert forum!! :chair:

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Rarer than all the man-made Crystal Red Shrimp morphs.

High-White Wild-Caught Alpheus Randalli pistol shrimp.

WTH? This kind of thing reefbuilder also need to post!

Den i think the "wide" band allardi clownfishes u told me yesterday can also get on RB. Quick go and take a pic and send them!

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  • Senior Reefer

This is rusty flame sp. It looks like a rusty x flame x coral beauty to me, wat do u think?

This weird hybrid is selling double the price of a standard rusty flame, at 600 in Japan.

definitely got coral beauty blood.

its a rusty beauty. i don't see any flame blood.

and is that terelabrus sp?

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definitely got coral beauty blood.

its a rusty beauty. i don't see any flame blood.

and is that terelabrus sp?

Minus away the blue head and green back it has the look of the rusty flame. So i would say it may be a rusty flame x coral beauty. Hence a bit of flame angel blood.

Yes, the terelabrus sp. from maldive.

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WTH? This kind of thing reefbuilder also need to post!

Den i think the "wide" band allardi clownfishes u told me yesterday can also get on RB. Quick go and take a pic and send them!

Why not? Does'nt have to be expensive livestock. If I had told them the pricing I guess they would have fainted. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Why not? Does'nt have to be expensive livestock. If I had told them the pricing I guess they would have fainted. :D

does not seem special enough.

Google alpheus randalli and at least have 1 or 2 pure white ones.

i think the pure yellow and red ones more special!

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  • Senior Reefer

Just for fun, I took photos for comparison between the "rare" Alpheus Randalli pistol shrimp and the more common one.

Side and top views.

this one is equally white.

go submit to reefbuilders lah haha.

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