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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

nice blue nox angel... when will it be comin to singapore? hmmm....

as for now, we will never.

our LFS stop carrying fiji shipments already.

LCK's fiji fishes have not been coming in for very very long already and CF also.

Iwarna regularly have fiji shipment but it's all WS corals. occasionally will have fish from WS also.

unless we have fiji FISH shipments again, we will never see the blue nox.

one way could be LCK's mix USA shipments. maybe if we lucky, the US people will send us a blue nox.

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What are the chances of the blue nox holding its colour? or shall i say will the colour fade?

Blue Nox colour will not fade. It's not an aberration. The blue colour is a geographical variation.

Blue nox can and may appear in LCK "US" shipment becos their "US" shipment occasionally will hav fiji fishes. So if u want a blue nox, look out for any nox angel in LCK "US" shipment from now on!

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Huskereef lunatus fairy and lunatus x pintail.

The two small females are lunatus. The bigger one is the lunatus x pintail. And he's gg to get a true japanese lanceolatus wrasse from BH as well!

Envy, too much envy! The only fish tat BH cannot get for him is the sanguineus fairy wrasse.

All fairy wrasse freaks out there, if u wan the rarest of the rarest fairy wrasses like earlei, lunatus, pintail, lanceolatus, johnsoni(CF has a pair) etc, u can contact BH through lemon! However, only pm lemon if u're willing to pay more(a lot more) for these fairies. Becos take for example, one single earlei fairy will cost around USD900 shipped! Lunatus and pintail will be slightly lower, while a lanceolatus a bit higher.

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if anyone interested in any rare fish that bluehabour can provide,

please contact me. i will arrange shipping via koji or atsumi.

btw digi, how much is BH selling lunatus and pintail?

I did not pm huskereef on the price, but definitely cheaper than earlei shipped to US. The lunatus and pintail are not featured for sale on BH online. Koji specifically sourced for the fish in japan and sent it to huskereef in US upon his order.

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  • Senior Reefer

I did not pm huskereef on the price, but definitely cheaper than earlei shipped to US. The lunatus and pintail are not featured for sale on BH online. Koji specifically sourced for the fish in japan and sent it to huskereef in US upon his order.

so strange.

that time i pmed them for rusty flame, semifasciatus and octotaenia/attenuatus they say they don't carry.

nevermind maybe coz i made too many enquiries and too many orders.

u want to consolidate new shipping?

maybe this time stick to a few fishes.

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so strange.

that time i pmed them for rusty flame, semifasciatus and octotaenia/attenuatus they say they don't carry.

nevermind maybe coz i made too many enquiries and too many orders.

u want to consolidate new shipping?

maybe this time stick to a few fishes.

I'll explain to u why in pm, dun wanna dilute this thread too much.

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  • Senior Reefer

Hybrids of Cirrhilabrus are very very rare.

The only hybrid i've ever known from this genus is the Pintail X lunatus fairy.

Because they are very organised spawners and spawn systematically unlike flashers, hybrids are rarely produces. flasher wrasses on the other hand, produce many hybrids.

Here are another few photos of the lunatus x pintail hybrids that the guy from RC has. (different fish, these are from the wild).

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Lunatus x pintail is v rare as the hybrid can only be found in japan, where pintail and lunatus are found in the same water.

Plus it is the only hybridiziation of fairy wrasses known, that makes the fish even rarer. Envy husfereef!!

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  • Senior Reefer

Looks rare and name sounds v rare.

LADD made a typo. it should be arquatus and not arguatus.

Suezichthys arquatus is a very rare wrasse from Australia and New Zealand.

It is cool water species and is very difficult to keep.

The males are very very beautiful and the pictures online do no justice. Kuier's book have very nice photos but i'll post some other day.

here's a male and female pic from google.

The genus Suezichthys boast of many VERY RARE and gaudily coloured males but almost all of them are very very very difficult to obtain. and i believe LADD's S. arquatus was the first. and they don't grow big too!

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LADD made a typo. it should be arquatus and not arguatus.

Suezichthys arquatus is a very rare wrasse from Australia and New Zealand.

It is cool water species and is very difficult to keep.

The males are very very beautiful and the pictures online do no justice. Kuier's book have very nice photos but i'll post some other day.

here's a male and female pic from google.

The top left of the tail looks like from another fish...

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