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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer


that marginalis is more beautiful than the interruptus and the feminine is awesome.

yes that lubbocki is a rarer variant. sometimes iwarna have also.

the rusty flame is GORGEOUS! one of the nicest i've seen.

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this rusty flame looks ALOT like the true shepardi!

Nice, v v nice this one. I wan rusty flame so badly!!

Liopropoma latifasciatum

Why so red? Is it a liopropoma suzuki? Dun be fooled, it's not! It's still a liopropoma latifasciatum but a big one. Bigger size one occasionally come in this red in colour, but in captivity will fade back to yellow from my own experience.

post-10328-084566600 1288616806_thumb.jp

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  • Senior Reefer

Paracheilinus angulatus X Paracheilinus lineopunctatus.

Any flasher wrasse hybrid with angulatus blood have always been a personal favourite of mine.

Why? Angulatus flashers have very beautiful slanted angular dorsal and anal fins, which give them an arrow like look. hybridisise them with other flasher and the hybrids will possess the same finnage with varying degree of angulation, coupled with varying amount of dorsal filaments.

totally amazing!

post-15755-099395800 1288622850_thumb.jp

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digi, can ID these anthias?

2nd one is Hemianthus vivanus i think.

First one is Pronotogrammus martinicensis from deepwater carribbean, v deep and v expensive. More expensive than liopropoma carmabi.

Second one yes it's a gorgeous alpha male Hemanthias vivanus from carribbean also. V deep and v expensive. Cheaper than P.Martinicensis but still more ex than carmabi.

Third one not sure, remember the pic is from japan water right? Some deepwater japan temperate water anthias probably.

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  • Senior Reefer

Check this video out!

more than a dozen giant sized solar wrasses that are almost as big as some of the tangs! I'VE NEVER SEEN SOLAR WRASSES WITH SUCH BIG RHOMBOID SHAPED TAILS BEFORE!

there's also a lone rubrisquamis (rosy scale) that is also very huge.

and check out the large male larmarck's angel that swims to the camera a few times. now i regret passing up on a large male lamarck at ah beng. the black pelvic fins are just sweet!

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  • Senior Reefer

Never seen it on local shores, very beautiful specimen


male bellus angels are rare but occasionally avaiable. usually come in only 1 or rarely 2 pieces each time.

pictillis anthias used to be very common during australia and vanuatu shipment. but difficult to keep.

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  • Senior Reefer

This is quit big compared to Rosae... But the red is stunning..


this particular one is a washed out pink! but the red margins quite nice.

this isn't a good photo and a good specimen.

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