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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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There's a fish i like v much but dun hav the chance to keep. Equetus punctatus (Spotted Drum). It is a very unpopular fish from carribbean from the drumfish family.

I've kept Equetus Lanceolatus before but v difficult to feed. Equetus punctatus on the other hand is easy to feed and reefsafe, but grow big, but i like bigfish so never mind.


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There's a fish i like v much but dun hav the chance to keep. Equetus punctatus (Spotted Drum). It is a very unpopular fish from carribbean from the drumfish family.

I've kept Equetus Lanceolatus before but v difficult to feed. Equetus punctatus on the other hand is easy to feed and reefsafe, but grow big, but i like bigfish so never mind.


so cute. the little dorsal fin in that video looks like a pilgrim's hat

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There's a fish i like v much but dun hav the chance to keep. Equetus punctatus (Spotted Drum). It is a very unpopular fish from carribbean from the drumfish family.

I've kept Equetus Lanceolatus before but v difficult to feed. Equetus punctatus on the other hand is easy to feed and reefsafe, but grow big, but i like bigfish so never mind.


Equetus Lanceolatus is one of my favorite fish but they get big... So strike them off the list...

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yah for you everything must be 1 inch.


And it's so interesting he want to keep all the 1 inch fishes tat will eventually grow into big fishes of 5 or 6 inches at least. Like the bluethroat and butterflies, even if u can find small ones they will grow big v soon. Furthermore v small ones are not easy to find cos your definition of small is really small, so isn;t that making things difficult for yourself and so contradicting? If u like small fishes so much why dun go into nano fishes instead, they are small and will stay small forever.

Also your flavicauda angel is coming tmr, wat kind of excuses are u coming up with to not get the fish again?

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And it's so interesting he want to keep all the 1 inch fishes tat will eventually grow into big fishes of 5 or 6 inches at least. Like the bluethroat and butterflies, even if u can find small ones they will grow big v soon. Furthermore v small ones are not easy to find cos your definition of small is really small, so isn;t that making things difficult for yourself and so contradicting? If u like small fishes so much why dun go into nano fishes instead, they are small and will stay small forever.

Also your flavicauda angel is coming tmr, wat kind of excuses are u coming up with to not get the fish again?

No lar... only some fishes can be found in 1 inch mah.. Like longnose, I never look for 1 inch one mah.. LOL.. 2-3 inch is small enough for me...

The flavicauda only if it is BLUE... lol..

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No lar... only some fishes can be found in 1 inch mah.. Like longnose, I never look for 1 inch one mah.. LOL.. 2-3 inch is small enough for me...

The flavicauda only if it is BLUE... lol..

If really got tat blue one den not bad, quite nice and it will be a less nonsense fish.

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Talking about flavicauda, there's another fish i want a lot, the flavicauda chromis. It's big and blue, suits the criteria of a v blue fish i want, and it's rare too. But dunno how to get, so rare and from Brazil shipment so even harder to find.


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Talking about flavicauda, there's another fish i want a lot, the flavicauda chromis. It's big and blue, suits the criteria of a v blue fish i want, and it's rare too. But dunno how to get, so rare and from Brazil shipment so even harder to find.


i think even if come i also dunno how to identify from the normal chromis.


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i think even if come i also dunno how to identify from the normal chromis.


Ya it's 99% similar to the yellowtail damsel (chrysiptera parasema) below:


But one is a chromis and other a damsel. Also flavicauda chromis is big, at least 4 inches. So when it flashes its blue i can imagine how beautiful it'll be.

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