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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Very unique and rare Cirrhilabrus cenderwawasih

This one is so cool. I realise a few rare species of the wrasses u posted are from Lembeh Straits, wonder why they are not collected, so near to us.

Genicanthus caudovittatus!!

one of the 3 genicanthus i'm looking for. i've got to say the female is absolutely stunning in real life. it's snow white and the unpaired fins are tinged in a very very pale blue. gorgeous.

It's white cannot compare to this:


White can be mesmerizing. I jux saw the vid of the snow basslet posted by reborn and it's omg, i'm starting to like the fish!

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Some new baby imports at BlueHarbour:

Baby Aya, Baby declivis and the ultra rare and deepwater Baby Tosanoides flavofasciatus w an adult photo shown as well.

watch channel 407 pacific abyss tomorrow 9pm.

they will catch tosanoides flavofasciatus, centropyge abei and chromis abyssus.

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Wetmorella Species. These fishes are occasionally brought in thru indo shipments and each time only one or two. They stay small and are v peaceful, not expensive and are colourful. Wonderful fish for nano tank. Shown below are the four known species.

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  • Senior Reefer

This one is so cool. I realise a few rare species of the wrasses u posted are from Lembeh Straits, wonder why they are not collected, so near to us.

It's white cannot compare to this:


White can be mesmerizing. I jux saw the vid of the snow basslet posted by reborn and it's omg, i'm starting to like the fish!

i heard it's sold.

anyway, Tosanoides filamentosus

post-15755-020604500 1279984909_thumb.jp

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Really, sad, dun hav time to go down and look at the fish. Tmr LCK got ORA shipment, got midnight clowns coming in...


domino clowns also very cute!!

wan go? lol. wonder how much....

will be cool if u get platinum, naked and midnight in a tank.

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  • Senior Reefer

own tis fish before. Very fierce leh... Kill many of my fish from wrasse to angel. Bought from ah beng. Now in my frenz tank... :)

what you bought was a similar species of thalassoma.

looks like thalassoma jansenii but it's not. it's an undescribed species found in indonesia.

the real thalasomma jansenii is found only in australia and fiji while the sister species you bought can be found in indonesia.

but thalassoma wrasses are very fierce anyway. so even if you bought the real one, it will turn out to be a big fierce fish

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Genicanthus caudovittatus!!

one of the 3 genicanthus i'm looking for. i've got to say the female is absolutely stunning in real life. it's snow white and the unpaired fins are tinged in a very very pale blue. gorgeous.

male is nice but i prefer the female in this case.

no photos of mine but here's what my pair looks like.... from the internet.

Is it feeding?

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a rare leopard wrasse. have only seen it 2 times in Singapore. greencloud has one and i duno who else has it.

Macropharyngodon lapillus.

i tink i also got own tis fish before. got it from Sir Henry(marine life). but only keep it for 4mth n then neva c e fish again. r.i.p.... :(

vanish from my tank...

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Is it feeding?

not sure. when i pass to fuel i threw some pellets and they swam towards it but didn't eat. shouldn't take too long bah.

It doesnt look that bad...

yes this one quite nice

i tink i also got own tis fish before. got it from Sir Henry(marine life). but only keep it for 4mth n then neva c e fish again. r.i.p.... :(

vanish from my tank...

i think henry brought in before a few times.

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  • SRC Member

A bit ex but v worth it, so many rare, interesting and beautiful wrasses. Tks for sharing it w us.

I agree. How much is a few hundred? I might want to get it in the future. Cirrhilabrus cenderwawasih I think is a misspelling. Should be spelled as cenderawasih instead of cenderwawasih. Cenderawasih is a malay word but I've forgotten what it meant, rarely used but I think got to do with a type of bird.

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  • Senior Reefer

I agree. How much is a few hundred? I might want to get it in the future. Cirrhilabrus cenderwawasih I think is a misspelling. Should be spelled as cenderawasih instead of cenderwawasih. Cenderawasih is a malay word but I've forgotten what it meant, rarely used but I think got to do with a type of bird.

yes sorry my typo.

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Lemonlemon, I google this book and found out they are printed 10 at a time? How long yours took to reach you after you ordered? Can I get the link to order?

this book is only printed 10 at a time and you have to email rudie kuiter himself to get it. it's not available for sale anywhere else.

it took a few days to reach and it cost $425. shipping and tax is absorbed by kuiter himself.

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Lemonlemon, I google this book and found out they are printed 10 at a time? How long yours took to reach you after you ordered? Can I get the link to order?

You will need to get rudie kuiter.. Search for his name, you should get a email address but not sure if it is valid...

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can't find the above album

cannot meh?

go to gallery, scroll down to click SRC marine fish database, then click it, inside you will see marine angelfish and click that

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Error appeared on the link. Enter gallery and what i see are aquarium of the worlds, sps, zoas, lps.....no src marine fish database

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