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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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this is crazy.

chingchai's 5 AT

Most pple will be v happy jux to keep one alive.

Dr. tanaka's fairy wrasses.

rhomboid, scotts and lubbock.

LOOK AT THE SCOTTS! how did he keep the colour!?

The rhomboid appeals to me more,i like this kind of more yellow than blue one.

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Most pple will be v happy jux to keep one alive.

didn't he already have 2 AT in his tank?

The rhomboid appeals to me more,i like this kind of more yellow than blue one.

yes rhomboid is nice but i'm so fascinated with the colours of the scotts. this fish is like impossible to retain colour.

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yes rhomboid is nice but i'm so fascinated with the colours of the scotts. this fish is like impossible to retain colour.

You should email him and ask him... Since you on so good term with him liao... LOL..

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copps's amazing angel SPS tank.

if you look closely, you will realise his pair of genicanthus semifasciatus (yellow mask angels), are both females!

the larger one is morphing back to a female. hmm...... don't understand the reverse sex change in genicanthus despite a female? there are many cases of this happening even here.

especially with watanabei and yellow mask


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Obtained a Terelabrus rubrovittatus today. 10 mins after being in a bare tank, it was already feeding. :eyebrow:

they are not difficult to get feeding....just very skittish and very shy. a bare tank is actually good for them since there's nothing to scare it.

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One of my favorite fish..

looks like a worm!

anyway, digiman and i have a feeling the shepardis and rusty/flame are not going to be so easy to get. i had a fishy feeling just now coz these two fishes are very rare, i dun think they can be obtained so easily.

moreover, shepardi is from guam, not hawaii.

we'll see and hope it's true lol.

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looks like a worm!

anyway, digiman and i have a feeling the shepardis and rusty/flame are not going to be so easy to get. i had a fishy feeling just now coz these two fishes are very rare, i dun think they can be obtained so easily.

moreover, shepardi is from guam, not hawaii.

we'll see and hope it's true lol.

Thats why it looks cute... Waiting to get curious goby again... LOL...

Shepardi not possible, but rusty/flame hybrid came in a accident shipment before if not wrong... Wait for another accident shipment again lor... LOL...

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Thats why it looks cute... Waiting to get curious goby again... LOL...

Shepardi not possible, but rusty/flame hybrid came in a accident shipment before if not wrong... Wait for another accident shipment again lor... LOL...


they say shepardi very easy to get. well there have been many miracles, so i tend to keep an open mind now.

maybe they referring to rusty/flame

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they say shepardi very easy to get. well there have been many miracles, so i tend to keep an open mind now.

maybe they referring to rusty/flame

Didnt you noticed I was keeping quiet when they say can get shepardi... Hehe... Just go around during shipment and hope to spot 1 lor..

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Didnt you noticed I was keeping quiet when they say can get shepardi... Hehe... Just go around during shipment and hope to spot 1 lor..

i noticed. but i didn't want to say anything also lah hehe.

just play along lor.... if they somehow got lobang to get shepardi we also dunno. although super unlikely.

but shepardi is a very nice angel. the common name, mango angel, really reminds me of a super ripe mango. so sweet and delicious.

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copps's amazing angel SPS tank.

if you look closely, you will realise his pair of genicanthus semifasciatus (yellow mask angels), are both females!

the larger one is morphing back to a female. hmm...... don't understand the reverse sex change in genicanthus despite a female?

Amazing tank, one of the most successful SPS tank w many angelfishes. Genicanthus revert to females easily. To retain their sex as a male, they need to feel male, so in John Copps' tank w so many other big fishes esp the big blueline, the genicanthus does not feel male enough even w the presence of one female and hence change back. That's my guess.

Obtained a Terelabrus rubrovittatus today. 10 mins after being in a bare tank, it was already feeding. :eyebrow:

Why u get this fish again? I tot u dun wan? Anyway too shy a fish for my liking unless keep smaller and peaceful tank den can appreciate it's beauty.

just play along lor.... if they somehow got lobang to get shepardi we also dunno. although super unlikely.

SL confirmed cannot get the real shepardi from Guam or Japan! But i do hope they are serious about getting the rusty-flame, cos it's possible as they are found in greater numbers in Cebu.

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some lucky guy in RC obtained liopropoma africanum!! one of my favourite liopropomas.

The japanese again will occasionally get these fishes together w liopropoma tonstrinum. Both of which are S$4500 price each.

Below is a pic of the famous japanese poe-poe fish tank housing one africanum and one tonstrinum.

post-10328-020670800 1279900115_thumb.jp

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very stupid name as far as scientific names go. Anthias anthias.

there's not alot of species in the world with genus name being the same as species name.... some species of butterfly also if i remember correctly.

anyway, the anthias anthias.

these are nicer pictures... i refuse to post the ones with the giant anthias anthias that looks like a grandmother! so scary!!

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Amazing tank, one of the most successful SPS tank w many angelfishes. Genicanthus revert to females easily. To retain their sex as a male, they need to feel male, so in John Copps' tank w so many other big fishes esp the big blueline, the genicanthus does not feel male enough even w the presence of one female and hence change back. That's my guess.

Why u get this fish again? I tot u dun wan? Anyway too shy a fish for my liking unless keep smaller and peaceful tank den can appreciate it's beauty.

SL confirmed cannot get the real shepardi from Guam or Japan! But i do hope they are serious about getting the rusty-flame, cos it's possible as they are found in greater numbers in Cebu.


no one really knows if shepardi is a legit species or not.

there have been debates that shepardi is actually a flame x rusty hybrid that waif from cebu to guam, and start new population there.

most flame x rusty look like shepardi to a certain extent. or shepardi could be a legit species that coincidently looks like a rusty x flame.

hopefully one day we will see a rusty x flame that looks alot like a shepardi. coz i like shepardi alot.

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featuring some very rare labrids.

for one, conniella apterygia, the mutant wrasse. with no pelvic fins in all recorded specimens and no pelvic fin structures even

post-15755-012220500 1279944843_thumb.jp

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