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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

i wonder if the sex of other species of butterflies can be identified by their ana| fins?

for those with spikes at their fins i mean.

like prognathodes, roaops, and some other species.

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  • Senior Reefer

Lotilia graciliosa has appeared 3 times within 1 week in USA. there's a thread on RC and there have been quite a number of spottings lately.

there's another species that looks exactly like it. but it's a diff genus and diff species. forgot the name.

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  • SRC Member

Not impossible to get, just that no one is willing to pay that amount. :pinch:

then, bro terry, we share can. I get a male n u get a female... Then let bro fuel breed for us many2 ... Hehehe....

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then, bro terry, we share can. I get a male n u get a female... Then let bro fuel breed for us many2 ... Hehehe....

You guys can hold the fish till they start breeding. I do not want to be held accountable for such expensive fish. :pirate:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

so jealous of chingchai. got a trio earlei's fairy wrasse!!

here's some nice photos from leonard ho. the first 1, flashing.

if i can own this i will die in PEACE.




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hav faith in u bro... :)

btw,here is a local hybrid :thumbsup::eyebrow:


Glad they are doing well. It's hard to receive such perfect fish from overseas breeding facilities. Mostly they will send you the lower grades/deformed fish.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

so jealous of chingchai. got a trio earlei's fairy wrasse!!

here's some nice photos from leonard ho. the first 1, flashing.

if i can own this i will die in PEACE.

me too.... wonder how to get them.... but price sure ex rite....

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  • Senior Reefer

me too.... wonder how to get them.... but price sure ex rite....

this wrasse is very rare and very expensive. it's like, holy grail..

even if you had the money to get, it won't be easy i think. think only few or none of the LFS here can bring in for you.

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  • SRC Member

this wrasse is very rare and very expensive. it's like, holy grail..

even if you had the money to get, it won't be easy i think. think only few or none of the LFS here can bring in for you.

ic ic.... hmmm....

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  • Senior Reefer

pseudojuloides mesostigma.

why is this fish never seen here even though it's found in indonesia and phillipine?? my favourite pencil wrasse.

will get LFS to hunt for me!




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