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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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No, it's normal.

On the other hand the following is an abnormal colouration of Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, it may even be a new species.

I thought the color is more distinct as in the red and the orange on the body...

This abnormal Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, Like a female Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura?

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I thought the color is more distinct as in the red and the orange on the body...

This abnormal Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, Like a female Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura?

Hmm maybe, but it was labelled sp. and is male. The following is the female:


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  • Senior Reefer

the aussy hooded is indeed awesome and i do agree that's the normal colours.

the nachyaki pair is VERY NICE! this is something i want.

the "aurantidorsalis" looks like a female solar wrasse. in fact i would say it is.

but the "male" version is unlike anything i've seen.

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How come the Blue midnight looks so ugly in this photo.. LOL... Is it the same one?

Think is different one. I think it's ugly becos of the angle of the photo, but the fish is not v nice to begin w, so cant blame the photo much.

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Think is different one. I think it's ugly becos of the angle of the photo, but the fish is not v nice to begin w, so cant blame the photo much.

:chair: :chair: :chair:

It is not that ugly lar... Quite nice mah... Better than the black ones... :pinch: :pinch:

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digiman, one of the blennies we caught is a natural deformed one. it's born without a pelvic fin. you wan? lol.

I'm over with the fish deformities craze already. Dunno where i got tat stupid idea from. So your injured and not deformed blenny i not interested le.

terryz. this is the butterfly i was telling you about from CF maldive shipment.

C. xanthocephalus.

Nice, size is not too big also.

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I'm over with the fish deformities craze already. Dunno where i got tat stupid idea from. So your injured and not deformed blenny i not interested le.

Nice, size is not too big also.

It is a effect of seeing steven's deformed asfur, it will hypnotise you.. LOL..

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Chaetodon sacntaehelenae

if i not wrong only found in ASI where resplendens is found. there are not much corals there so this would be an excellent reef safe butterfly. too bad its unobtainable


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canthigaster leoparda. leopard toby. one of my favourites. always see it for sale in liveaquaria.

never seen it in singapore before though... anyone seen before?


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