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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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new pomacentrus sp discovered.

doesn't it bear a very uncanny resemblance to chromis abyssus? the abyssal chromis.

1st pic the new "tufi" damsel. 2nd is the C. abyssus



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new pics of gramma dejongi. so nice

Yellow gramma, so nice and wat's better it should be an easy and hardy fish like royal gramma. Cuban should open up their marine industry, start collecting their fishes and export out. Many pple cant wait already, like Chingchai is now trying ways and means to get this fish and i think he has found a way!

new pomacentrus sp discovered.

doesn't it bear a very uncanny resemblance to chromis abyssus? the abyssal chromis.

1st pic the new "tufi" damsel. 2nd is the C. abyssus

V similar, but one is a damsel damsel and other a chromis damsel. Chromis always has a better reputation then damsel. Like yellowtail damselfsh and chromis flavicauda are so similar, but the latter is jux more exciting and expensive as well.

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  • Senior Reefer

How come his Armitargei look like goldflake?

if you see the video he posted on RC, the difference is 10x

actually i'm not suprised. depends on how the genes are mixed. sometimes parent A genes don't get expressed much at all. maybe in this case the flagfin's genes were expressed very little.

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How come his Armitargei look like goldflake?

Tat's becos it's not the "armitagei" armitagei. It's a hawaii armitagei or better known as goldflake x flagfin. The armitagei angel from maldive tat we are more familiar with is the result of flagfin x xanthurus.

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  • Senior Reefer

More pictures of the very nice white flame wrasse. Aberrations are so rare in Cirrhilabrus. this is my first time seeing aberrations in fairy wrasses.

these are all old photos from copps in reefcentral. I read through his old threads and he's such a fish nerd. i'm so captivated by the level of knowledge he has for most things fishy. Very nice to read and always learn something new.

unfortunately the white is fading back to normal in home aquaria. Wonder why they revert back to normal in our tanks but remain like this in the wild.



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  • Senior Reefer

a hybrid pomacanthus. Dunno what hybrid exactly it is but the face screams euxiphipops.

on the other hand, it does resemble alot like koran and the curvy lines definitely imparts some emperor bloodline.

hmm.... not sure though



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  • Senior Reefer

have changed the title of this thread so that we won't go off topic too much.

it's difficult to stay on course in a "hybrid only" thread. as we all know, hybrids are not commonly encountered :)

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