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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Eh..looks like the one I passed to you. What's the difference between the 2?

Terelabrus rubrovittatus has the red stripe extending all the way to the tail. Whereas the undescribed one does not, it's strip patterns and body colours are also a bit different. Below is Terelabrus rubrovittatus, similar to the ones i got from u.


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Terelabrus rubrovittatus has the red stripe extending all the way to the tail. Whereas the undescribed one does not, it's strip patterns and body colours are also a bit different. Below is Terelabrus rubrovittatus, similar to the ones i got from u.

I see..how's the rubro doing?

Always something more important than fish.


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I see..how's the rubro doing?

It's showing itself le, esp during feeding, but still v shy. Show a bit of face and then hide back to its favourite hole then cant be seen le. Beautiful fish but it's a shame the fish is so shy and hides too much. It's better to keep in a smaller and v peaceful tank to be able to appreciate it's beauty.

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It's showing itself le, esp during feeding, but still v shy. Show a bit of face and then hide back to its favourite hole then cant be seen le. Beautiful fish but it's a shame the fish is so shy and hides too much. It's better to keep in a smaller and v peaceful tank to be able to appreciate it's beauty.

Glad to hear. Btw, the yellow-tailed liopropoma is feeding on frozen mysis and blended food. Even the fin rot has stopped. But it is showing the classic "tail-up" position. Any ideas on solving this? What did you do to your latifasciatum?

Always something more important than fish.


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Glad to hear. Btw, the yellow-tailed liopropoma is feeding on frozen mysis and blended food. Even the fin rot has stopped. But it is showing the classic "tail-up" position. Any ideas on solving this? What did you do to your latifasciatum?

Liopropoma can be glutton. They'll consume too much food until so bloated that they cant swim properly sometimes. liopropoma and borbonius are two fishes that i realise always swim with "tail up". This "tail up" sign many of the times are due to decompression maladies which will cos the symptom to slowly worsen until the fish cant swim properly and eat anymore and eventually die with a bloat. But it can also be something natural and will not harm the fish. I've realised it in my past borbs and my current l.latifasciatum, the tail-up sign is on and off and does not affect the fish adversely. So it depends, if it does not worsen, then it'll subside on its own and the fish will still occassionally show these symptoms but nothing serious. But if it worsen then there's nothing we can do but to watch it die like how u've experienced for the past few liopropoma's.

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  • Senior Reefer

super cheap, underrated, under-appreciated, and common fish. but they look so freaking nice in the wild compared to our home.

i had the exact same 1 before. giant alpha male. even at it's prime flashing, doesn't look as nice as this.


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super cheap, underrated, under-appreciated, and common fish. but they look so freaking nice in the wild compared to our home.

i had the exact same 1 before. giant alpha male. even at it's prime flashing, doesn't look as nice as this.

They will never get the color we see in this picture... we can replace mother nature can us...

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what's this?

It's the new undescribed sabre goby from curacao caught recently with klayi and evides. They're slightly more expensive than klayi.


From the left:

Belonoperca pylei, Belonoperca chabanaudi juvi wild, an undescribed liopropoma tat is suspected to be a variant color form of Liopropoma collettei, Aulacocephalus temminckii, Belonoperca chabanaudi again.

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  • Senior Reefer

It's the new undescribed sabre goby from curacao caught recently with klayi and evides. They're slightly more expensive than klayi.

From the left:

Belonoperca pylei, Belonoperca chabanaudi juvi wild, an undescribed liopropoma tat is suspected to be a variant color form of Liopropoma collettei, Aulacocephalus temminckii, Belonoperca chabanaudi again.


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It's the new undescribed sabre goby from curacao caught recently with klayi and evides. They're slightly more expensive than klayi.

From the left:

Belonoperca pylei, Belonoperca chabanaudi juvi wild, an undescribed liopropoma tat is suspected to be a variant color form of Liopropoma collettei, Aulacocephalus temminckii, Belonoperca chabanaudi again.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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there is no fish he doesn't know.

from wrasse to angels to butterflies to everything

Got, those uncommon gobies (esp those tiny species) are the most confusing to me. I jux read and find out more abt fishes, both marine and freshwater, cos i like fishes a lot. But when u ask me about corals, i know so little compared to many in src. Till now i still cant be bother about the different species of acroporas, to me they are all the same, acros that is.

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