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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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nothing we've not seen before. very used to seeing this by now! can see but cannot obtain!

i especially like these two picturs. especially the first pic. looks so healthy and cute.

Wa the second pic of the resplendens costs tens of thousands now!

! one of the best looking regals!

Indeed, a regal with the most distorted colours! I like it, so unique.

Africanus was one of my favorite...

U mention "was" so now is not your favourite anymore? Anyway holy grail of the holacanthus should be clipperton angel. But i personally fall for clarion more. Africanus at full grown size is not bad either. They're v easy and beautiful, but big and territorial.

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Indeed, a regal with the most distorted colours! I like it, so unique.

i know right! awesome how the black is only restricted to the lower half.

imagine having this pair with a xanthic one.

i got this image from reef central's rare angel thread. they have alot of pictures of verrrrrrry rare hybrids but the photos are not there anymore. very sad

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i can't imagine how something so beautiful can grow into something like this!

beautiful blue juvenile growing up only to swim together with the other bunch of misfit toys :(

do i have bad taste? i seem to be the only 1 not-liking africanus.

if it keeps the blue till adulthood i think it could really be one of the nicest angels around. the blue is spectacular IMO. mother nature really knows how to dangle the cake infront of you then cruelly pulling it back just when you're about to bite into it.



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Wa the second pic of the resplendens costs tens of thousands now!

Indeed, a regal with the most distorted colours! I like it, so unique.

U mention "was" so now is not your favourite anymore? Anyway holy grail of the holacanthus should be clipperton angel. But i personally fall for clarion more. Africanus at full grown size is not bad either. They're v easy and beautiful, but big and territorial.

The Regal is unique but ugly... LOL..

Becos the fact that I feel that the price is not worth for me to get a africanus.. Unless I can find one that is not so brown... I might just go for a juv one..

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The Regal is unique but ugly... LOL..

Becos the fact that I feel that the price is not worth for me to get a africanus.. Unless I can find one that is not so brown... I might just go for a juv one..

i was once tempted to buy a juv africanus from lck before. but if i'm not wrong, they're one of the earlier morphers right?

morphing at very small sizes.

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i was once tempted to buy a juv africanus from lck before. but if i'm not wrong, they're one of the earlier morphers right?

morphing at very small sizes.

From what i know, Yes, they are earlier morphers.. and morph very fast...

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with the whitish bar in the middle? yeah still can tolerate. the big adults i reallly bu xi huan! :(

Yeah... I was thinking of getting a juv and see how it goes from there.. Saw a few times those blue ones from LCK..

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Price is good but size is not good. Too many horror stories of big interruptus. Not worth the risks. How i wish RB can buy the fish in on their own and QT the fish to make sure it's doing well before offering it for sale. And for that as a consumer i dun mind paying a few hundred bucks more.

Take it from the retailers's POV.. they loose more.. They probably can do it for LFs that cost hundreds or less.. with LSs thats like >$1000, no shop would dare risk.. It should be more of a buyer's risk..

Responsible or not, business sense still plays a role here.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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digiman, the abberent bicolour is here lol. with an A. femininus and A. lennardi.

the bicolour so big!!!

The bicolor is big, but still small compared to an adult interruptus.

Love the A.Feminus and A.Lennardi, both fishes too difficult for me to keep!

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Just wondering if Digiman would know if there is another species for Belonepterygion fasciolatum...

Saw two red one and I really mean red one in CF... It is totally the same but the body is red... Can ask Lemon, he saw it also..

I cant find a ID... Think it might be rare..


On Second thought, I think we saw a red soap grouper..

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it does bear some resemblance to both asfur and chrysurus. i like the golden bar. it's bigger and more smudged. actually it reminds me of a yellow koran angel lol.

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it does bear some resemblance to both asfur and chrysurus. i like the golden bar. it's bigger and more smudged. actually it reminds me of a yellow koran angel lol.

The one in the tank is a beauty... But it seems like there are quite a number of this Hybrid... Dunno if we will see them here..

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