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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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From what I know, the longest is 3 months... They will wither away... Took it off my stocking list unless got small ones...

I think even have small one you will consider twice because the price will be double and risk is still there.

I had no good experience too. Although mine was feeding on the 2nd day onward.

Dun worry, the record will be broken soon by someone.

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If there is really no success till this long here, i think it's time the LFS stop importing this fish to avoid further killing and reefers wasting their money.

As per to date, I know there are 2 surviving feeding Bandits.

From past experience, the surviving rate is very much depending on the diver cos this is a deep water fish and much care need to be emphasized during the catch.

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If there is really no success till this long here, i think it's time the LFS stop importing this fish to avoid further killing and reefers wasting their money.

There are definitely a few successes, but there're jux far more failures that's all. Bandits are like achilles tangs, they're difficult but not impossible, furthermore their beauty will make reefers willing to try again and again. It's ok to continue importing them and success will v much depend on the luck of obtaining a well-handled specimen. I know of someone who failed 5 times before succeeding the 6th time on a 2.5" bandit. So it depends on whether u see it worth to take the risk.

Talk about stop importing certain fishes, there are a lot more species from indo and aussie that should really not be imported becos they're practically impossible to keep alive.

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  • Senior Reefer
There are definitely a few successes, but there're jux far more failures that's all. Bandits are like achilles tangs, they're difficult but not impossible, furthermore their beauty will make reefers willing to try again and again. It's ok to continue importing them and success will v much depend on the luck of obtaining a well-handled specimen. I know of someone who failed 5 times before succeeding the 6th time on a 2.5" bandit. So it depends on whether u see it worth to take the risk.

Talk about stop importing certain fishes, there are a lot more species from indo and aussie that should really not be imported becos they're practically impossible to keep alive.

yes like ornate, meyer's, chevroned butterflies etc and the list goes on....

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Oh no so cute. Does it stay like this or will grow big and change colour?

Cute right.. Cant remember the size but wun get very big and will not turn black.. if not wrong, you go search some adults have short streamers for the tail..

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Cute right.. Cant remember the size but wun get very big and will not turn black.. if not wrong, you go search some adults have short streamers for the tail..

Searched. I must say one of the most beautiful damsels as an adult plus doesn't grow big. If u ever see any, pls inform me too.

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Clarions are locally abundant. So hundreds are caught on every trip. If not for the limitations, clarion should be a marine staple and costs less than an africanus.

wah but wow that's really alot of the same fish in 1 lfs. haha

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not v impressive imo. I would rather a pure tinker or pure burgessi. However nothing beats the true blood crowned tinker, the Flavocoronatus:

Haha.. Different taste... Haha... Flavocoronatus can get in singapore?

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Haha.. Different taste... Haha... Flavocoronatus can get in singapore?

Those burgessi x Tinkers hybrids more likely can get as they come from Marshall Islands. Flavocoronatus is more collected from Guam at deepwater and with Japan as a blackhole for rare fishes, it's less likely to appear here. However not totally impossible as Flavocoronatus is not endemic to Guam, it has range extending to Marshalls as well but are jux exceedingly rare and found even deeper water.

Recent two years has emerged a plethora of rare fishes brought in by our LFS. Wat else are we waiting for that are not yet being seen here? Personally for me will be mccullochi clownfish and clipperton angel although both i probably wont be able to afford!

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Those burgessi x Tinkers hybrids more likely can get as they come from Marshall Islands. Flavocoronatus is more collected from Guam at deepwater and with Japan as a blackhole for rare fishes, it's less likely to appear here. However not totally impossible as Flavocoronatus is not endemic to Guam, it has range extending to Marshalls as well but are jux exceedingly rare and found even deeper water.

Recent two years has emerged a plethora of rare fishes brought in by our LFS. Wat else are we waiting for that are not yet being seen here? Personally for me will be mccullochi clownfish and clipperton angel although both i probably wont be able to afford!

Mccullochi, you cannot afford meh? Lol... Dun think the price will be over 2k bah... Most likely 1k plus...

Hopefully can see some hybrid or rare soon... then they can go into my new tank... LOL...

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