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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Wah thanks Dr Gill! I did not know there are two color forms to Trachinops taeniatus.

Pic here for comparison

Normal form


Red and yellow form

attachicon.gifred and yellow form.jpg

Is it a locality variant? Or is it just aberrations in few individuals?

I have yet to see the red and yellow form in the trade.

I think it's just the odd individual that shows the red and yellow coloration. I've seen such individuals in the northern part of the range of the species (Byron Bay and Coffs Harbour, in northern NSW), but they have been recorded from much farther south by other people.

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Fishes of French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian islands

Bandit pair with hawaiiensis anthias harem


Rare Gymnothorax steindachneri (In main island hawaii it is only found very deep)


Very rare hawaiian flame angel


Weird sight: tinkeri butterfly found at very shallow depth


Super rare juvenile aurora basslet (5cm)


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Fishes of French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian islands

Bandit pair with hawaiiensis anthias harem


Rare Gymnothorax steindachneri (In main island hawaii it is only found very deep)

attachicon.gifGymnothorax steindachneri.jpg

Very rare hawaiian flame angel


Weird sight: tinkeri butterfly found at very shallow depth


Super rare juvenile aurora basslet (5cm)


i love the photo of the bandits with the shark behind!

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Bali Aquarich CB chrysopterus clown pair (chrysopterus is notoriously difficult to keep. kudos to Bali Aquarich for successfully breeding them!)


Uncommon african gem tang (Unlike mauritius gem, african gems are usually collected bigger)


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This fish is being kept by a Tai Wan Aquarist(Stanley Shen).

The picture is sent from him.

The way of keeping a large group of angel fish in a bare bottom tank is not accept by majority US reefer nowaday.

We can't denied that it is a traditional popular way of fish keeping in Hong Kong and Tai Wan.

No matter what this is really a rare beautiful fish.

Any expert can explain why Emperor angel is not likely to hybridize with other species?

This emperor hybrid has grown so big and beautiful!!

Video from Dr Chung.

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