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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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This is one scary fish


I will think twice about getting one for my tank especially when i have some deepwater chromis and other smaller fishes in the tank which are too precious to lose.

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Rare fish must be share here.

Unfortunately this time is a dead fish. But this fish picture is so few on internet so I also post it out here for shareing.

Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus is the very first time pop up in Hong Kong market but dead on arrival.

I feel very upset.


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Rare fish must be share here.

Unfortunately this time is a dead fish. But this fish picture is so few on internet so I also post it out here for shareing.

Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus is the very first time pop up in Hong Kong market but dead on arrival.

I feel very upset.

For once we beat Hongkong to rare fish. Singapore had a trio 2 months ago. :) Unfortunately wrasses are very tricky to ship. Even if they arrive alive they need very careful acclimatization.

Always something more important than fish.


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Rare fish must be share here.

Unfortunately this time is a dead fish. But this fish picture is so few on internet so I also post it out here for shareing.

Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus is the very first time pop up in Hong Kong market but dead on arrival.

I feel very upset.

Sad to see a nice male DOA.

I received three specimens of hemitaeniatus few months back. Two juveniles and one sub-male. One female and one sub-male died within a few days.

I am now left with one juvenile (very small) which is doing great. Will be a long wait until it can turn into a male.

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Hi Digiman and FuEl,

I am glad to hear that one fish can successfully survive. I think that small fish can deal with the shipping stress. Several months ago, there are also one ship to Hong Kong. That one is also DOA. I can not even distinguish what kind of fish it is once this fish is taken out from the box. This time there are totally 4 specimens land in Hong Kong. Nearly all of them are DOA. I have been told that the shipping time from the supplier to Hong Kong is nearly 60 hours. Other fish (wrasses is also included) are arrived quite good but not this species.

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