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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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Check out this video of Brian Greene returning from a 147m dive trip with new species of Grammatonutus!

Amazing fish!

I want one in my tank!

However they seem difficult. Difficult to decompress and sensitive to temperature fluctuation.

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Callanthiids have always been a favourite of mine, so thanks for posting the images and video of the Grammatonotus. I would love to set a large tank up with a small school of my local callanthiid species, Callanthias australis: http://www.fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/1588


Has callanthias australis being caught before and sold in local aussie LFS?

Over here we can only get callanthias japonicus (Japan). It is a big anthias and requires low temperature and as such not a popular fish.

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I've never seen C. australis offered for sale. Although adults are found in fairly deep water, juveniles can be found in fairly shallow depths, so they could be collected relatively easily. I had a couple of juveniles back in the mid 70s when I first started keeping marine fish, but they did not survive long. That was more a consequence of my level of experience with marines and inadequate setup than anything else. There is a lot of potential for these and other similar species (such as the various large anthiines that occur in NSW - e.g. Caprodon, Caesioperca, Lepidoperca; note that Callanthias is not an anthiine (serranid), but - along with Grammatonotus - a callanthiid), but there does not appear to be too much commercial interest in them at the moment. In fact, it's rare to see any of the local marine fish in aquarium stores here.

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I've never seen C. australis offered for sale. Although adults are found in fairly deep water, juveniles can be found in fairly shallow depths, so they could be collected relatively easily. I had a couple of juveniles back in the mid 70s when I first started keeping marine fish, but they did not survive long. That was more a consequence of my level of experience with marines and inadequate setup than anything else. There is a lot of potential for these and other similar species (such as the various large anthiines that occur in NSW - e.g. Caprodon, Caesioperca, Lepidoperca; note that Callanthias is not an anthiine (serranid), but - along with Grammatonotus - a callanthiid), but there does not appear to be too much commercial interest in them at the moment. In fact, it's rare to see any of the local marine fish in aquarium stores here.

They are not popular because they require cooler temperature and grow huge. Especially caesioperca and caprodon, they are not really desirable genus for home tanks.

However C.australis is beautiful. I would love to try some if i can get my hands on some juveniles.

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wonder is this aberrant will turn back to normal color after long keep ?

Nice tricolor tang. The color will shift and change but will likely not revert to complete normal coloration.

hybrid or purebred achilles tang?

Should be pure AT. I dont see any hybrid traits in this fish.

Juvenile Apolemichthys xanthotis?

Originated from a Kenya shipment.

Juvenile xanthotis and xanthurus are indistinguishable.

However if the fish comes from kenya, then it is likely a xanthotis angel as xanthurus is not found there. Xanthotis are rare in kenya.

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  • SRC Member

its really rare...


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