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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

Over the years as our fish IDing skills have improved, we've been able to go back and correct some of our initial mistakes or ID some of the initially in identified fish.

However this one has remained unknown for the longest time. Tony if you could ID this it would be greatly appreciated.

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Here's the fish. It looks like a ptereleotris but we can't find a match

I think it is indeed a Ptereleotris, but it doesn't match any species I'm aware of. My guess is that it's a new species. It would be good to get specimens for study, and also to know where they were collected.

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Rare australia brachiosaurus blenny


Townsendi angel (blue x queen angel)

The blenny is Omobranchus anolius. It occurs along the east coast of Australia, and is one of the commonest blennies in the Sydney area. It's almost always found around oysters, earning it the common name of oyster blenny. Males can get quite spectacular: http://www.fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/4742

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Submarine caught fish in Curacao

Malthopsis gnoma (Grotesque Batfish, 2") from 760 feet

attachicon.gifMalthopsis gnoma.jpg

Lipogramma sp (< 1") from 600 to 800 feet


This is how an adult of the above fish looks like


Hmm, it's been a long while since I loked at Lipogramma, but this one looks new to me. I found similar photos on other websites identified as L. robinsi, but that species has more 10-12 narrow bars on the body. See: ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/y4161e/y4161e57.pdf

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Deepwater Lubbockicthys sp. collected in Yap islands, Micronesia, at a depth of 180 feet.


See http://www.cabrillo.edu/~ncrane/ES%2010/Ulithi/Yap%20REA%20Fish%20Final%20Report.pdf for report.

I have material of this species (which is indeed an undescribed Lubbockichthys) from lots of localities throughout the western Pacific. It actually gets fairly shallow (around 15 m or so).

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Koji is sending these to U.S next week.

the list is strange and consists of a baby modestus butterfly (highly desirable size), large interrupta angels, an auripes butterfly, a golden hawk.

i don't know what the striped fish is and the filefish. digi, terry, care to help?

The striped fish is Oplegnathus fasciatus. Not sure on the filefish, but perhaps Paramonacanthus pusillus.

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I dun think this one below is a flammicauda.


Flammicauda pics



So if u compare the weird dottyback above has different yellow pattern at both the caudal n head. Also the body and finnage shapes are also different. The one right above has more of a steenei shape than flammicauda. But i do not know what the first dottyback is either, cant find any similar in fishbase.

The unknown is Pseudochromis dilectus.

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  • Senior Reefer
Hmm, it's been a long while since I loked at Lipogramma, but this one looks new to me. I found similar photos on other websites identified as L. robinsi, but that species has more 10-12 narrow bars on the body. See: ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/y4161e/y4161e57.pdf'>ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/y4161e/y4161e57.pdf
You are right. Last year we found this fish to be lipogramma sp, distinct from robinsi. There appears to be some undescribed fish down in curaçao, including a cf. evides and a liopropoma cf. aberrans.
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Sharing US Andrew's amazing fishes

Peppermint angels and Narcosis angel



His amazing reef tanks are filled with rare butterflies and angels! How did he do it without any ich problem?!




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