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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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there are at least 4 species of butterflyfish , i like to see with my own eyes someday. among those the oblique butterflyfish is my favourite, can only be found in the following postal code, google map view with satellite

0.917211, -29.345014


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there are at least 4 species of butterflyfish , i like to see with my own eyes someday. among those the oblique butterflyfish is my favourite, can only be found in the following postal code, google map view with satellite

0.917211, -29.345014


Obliquus is one of the deeper inhabitant in St Paul's. Getting there is already a logistics nightmare and not to mention diving deeper and catching one.

These are ultra rare hybrids!

Attach the photos here to archive it in case Waikiki change their website in future.

Potter x fisheri


Potter x flame


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Juvenile clarions flooding the whole world. It's great to see them being collected smaller.



Taiwan Maze angels


New Maculosus x koran at HK Sealife


2 True Hawaiian flames at HK Sealife. I like the first one without black stripes!


Aberrant black longnose butterfly (reverting)


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  • Senior Reefer

Can you guess what are inside these buckets?

Assorted fishes featuring a juvenile Bodianus rubrisos, a pineapple fish, Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, Cirrhilabrus pylei, Liopropoma sp (yellow tail), Plectranthias sp, amazing new Roa sp,





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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon there is an anthias in tat collection bottle in tat second pic. Wat is it? Looks a bit like a tosanoides!

I think it is female P. hutomoi. but i am also not sure.


have Luiz shared the picture of new cirrlab with you?...how does it look..?.. :superman:

Hi Aray,

no Luiz did not tell me. i also do not know what it looks like or what kind of Cirrhilabrus it is. for all we know it's the philippine pylei getting an official description.

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Lemon there is an anthias in tat collection bottle in tat second pic. Wat is it? Looks a bit like a tosanoides!

There is 2 actually, could be female hutomoi as the one at the bottom of the bottle exhibit the white spots below the dorsal fins that hutomoi have when stressed..

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I visited BlueHarbour and Osaka aquarium last week and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Here is a sharing of my trip.

Not fish. But when i entered the shop, Koji just received a box of deepwater inverts from the local fisherman. Trawled up from 200m deep japan water, these creatures need to be kept at 18 degree to survive.

Giant Isopod and hermit crab


Hermit Crab and Hard coral!!


Hermit Crab with an anemone attached to the shell (My favourite piece)


Sea spiders, lobsters, hermit crab


Deepwater anemone and hard corals put in the tank


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BlueHarbor shop Part 1

Some rare fishes seen in this video includes juvenile old woman angel, clarion angel, Suezicthys gracilis, carmabi basslet, sanguineus hogfish, Lactophrys Trigonus, fuscipinnis anthias, juvenile bandits etc etc

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