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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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a question to Digi...

if this fish lives at 200+ft,isn't your lighting too bright for it..?...or was it just for photoshoot purpose...?

Yes only for video taking i on the light.

The tank has no lights running, only ambient lights.

I love soft corals, but sadly i can't keep a single coral because my tank is dark.

That is a sacrifice i have to make to keep a tank full of deepwater fishes.

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Thanks Jeremy for sharing videos you took at BH! The squirei is beautiful. The semi angels are iriomote caught at 60m, not Philippine one. Japan caught semi are rare but look no different from Philippines one. I envy your job! It allows u to visit BH often.

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We go through so many Philippines and Bali shipments from source on a weekly basis and no geni hybrid has ever landed in sg. But LADD being a major wholesaler going through so many levels of hands manages to get it

I my jealous. I await the day when a hybrid geni comes to sg

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  • Senior Reefer

Here's another fish I have waited for for years. I hope my wait will end soon. A regular in USA but almost unheard of here.

Also this time they're offering a pair. The first female I've seen offered. V hard to get.


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Here's another fish I have waited for for years. I hope my wait will end soon. A regular in USA but almost unheard of here.

Also this time they're offering a pair. The first female I've seen offered. V hard to get.

Paracheilinus attenuatus!

Yes, they appear on LADD quite often. I would say that they are uncommon in the US.

Do you have any information on P.rubricaulidis? This is a tough nut to crack. Somehow, even attenuatus is more regularly often than this fella!

I suppose its due to the fact that Vanuatu only has a single wholesaler,sadly:(

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  • Senior Reefer

Rubricaudalis is offered very readily in Fiji and Vanuatu shipments. When Vanuatu shipments were common in the past, this species was very regular. Now that Vanuatu shipments from Iwarna stop, rubricaudalis also stop appearing. Fijian specimens differ from Vanuatu ones by having a vertical band on its tail. Fiji ones can stil be obtained from Walt smith shipments together with C. marjorie. There is a new variant of rubricaudalis from the coral sea which has a translucent/transparent red tail. This may be a new species in the making, and can be gotten from cairns marine. Rubricaudalis is a reli gorgeous species. The single filament On it's dorsal is so thick and robust, as the bright yellow andred color is beautiful. I am still looking for attenuatus. So far one reefer here has been lucky to find one specimen in ah Beng Africa shipment

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Rubricaudalis is offered very readily in Fiji and Vanuatu shipments. When Vanuatu shipments were common in the past, this species was very regular. Now that Vanuatu shipments from Iwarna stop, rubricaudalis also stop appearing. Fijian specimens differ from Vanuatu ones by having a vertical band on its tail. Fiji ones can stil be obtained from Walt smith shipments together with C. marjorie.There is a new variant of rubricaudalis from the coral sea which has a translucent/transparent red tail. This may be a new species in the making, and can be gotten from cairns marine. Rubricaudalis is a reli gorgeous species. The single filament On it's dorsal is so thick and robust, as the bright yellow andred color is beautiful. I am still looking for attenuatus. So far one reefer here has been lucky to find one specimen in ah Beng Africa shipment

I'll be looking forward for rubricaudalis!

IMO it's the most gorgeous of all the flashers which are obtainable. The red coloration on the caudal fin and dorsal filament is what differentiates it from the rest of the flashers

Yes, I did a search and found that it was offered back in 2010..-.-

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  • Senior Reefer
I'll be looking forward for rubricaudalis! IMO it's the most gorgeous of all the flashers which are obtainable. The red coloration on the caudal fin and dorsal filament is what differentiates it from the rest of the flashers Yes, I did a search and found that it was offered back in 2010..-.-
Yup two years ago Vanuatu shipment came many pieces. Hooded wrasse, condei and pylei are also staples back then. However coral sea hooded can get from cairns. Condei LCK mixed shipment sometimes have and pylei can get from Philippines and Bali, both Cebu and the other form. The real Vanuatu hooded and rubricaudalis vanish together with the shipment. Maybe can plan another Vanuatu shipment. I will look into it see what's the issue with the supplier.
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