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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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The problem is roseafascia look really close to lanceolatus and is much cheaper... The best looking is the cf lanceolatus for a fairy wrasses The best looking wrasses is the feminus

in superficial level perhaps...but no Roseafascia can hold candle to nupital display of male Lanceolatus..that insane green..

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cf. lanceolatus is not related even the slightest to cirrhilabrus lanceolatus.

the term 'cf.' means to confer, and is placed infront of the suffix lanceolatus because it is undescribed, and it "looks superficially similar" to the real C. lanceolatus. this is only because it possesses a lancet shaped tail.

the real lanceolatus grows to 7 inches including tail, while cf. lanceolatus grows to only 3 inches. it is a small fairy wrasse. the body patterning, size, and frequent hybrids with C. lunatus means that it is more closely related to lunatus than any other species. infact, lunatus x cf. lanceolatus hybrids are one of the only known hybrids known to occur with frequency. the two species mix in the wild.

i hope it gets described one day. calling it cf. lanceolatus is such a chore! and yes, it is one of the most pretty of the cirrhilabrus.

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Since we are at the topic of cirrhilabrus.

There is one cirrhilabrus that i hope will be collected one day: Cirrhilabrus Randalli, hailing from Rowley Shoals, Western Australia. With western australia fish collection opening up, we are seeing some never before species like west aussie mandarin, personifer angel and lennardi wrasse. Sadly Rowley Shoals Marine Park is protected (i think), so Randalli fairy will not appear in the trade, unless it is also found in other parts of australia.

Here is one swimming in the wild.


amazing footage!

shutterstock has a good collection of videos including C. walindi in the wild.

unfortunately the website only allows videos to be shared and re-posted if you buy them.

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did you get that hybrid that appeared in Sg...?

I suppose u mean the lunatus hybrid.

Nope i did not buy it. Only one piece came in and it is now w lemon. U can find pics and updates in his tank thread.

I already hav an earlei and it will be quite difficult for me to introduce another smaller fairy wrasse.

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The problem is roseafascia look really close to lanceolatus and is much cheaper...

The best looking is the cf lanceolatus for a fairy wrasses

The best looking wrasses is the feminus

Roseafascia and lanceolatus indeed look very similar for females and submale.

Earlier on Koji has one female lanceolatus for sale but i couldnt bring myself to pay so much for a wrasse that look identical to the cheaper roseafascia female!

Big lanceolatus will forever remain a dream sadly. Every trawled specimen that survive will go to their local customers. Its a long waiting list and will never reach our turn.

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Roseafascia and lanceolatus indeed look very similar for females and submale. Earlier on Koji has one female lanceolatus for sale but i couldnt bring myself to pay so much for a wrasse that look identical to the cheaper roseafascia female! Big lanceolatus will forever remain a dream sadly. Every trawled specimen that survive will go to their local customers. Its a long waiting list and will never reach our turn.
Wait for Koji to get one and go on a nice Japan holiday
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The year is about to end. only 2 months left. here's BH's 2013 calender. this month's fish is Liopropoma japonicum. only plectranthias garrupellus left till the new calender.
I can not understand why there are no peppermints in the calendar
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I can not understand why there are no peppermints in the calendar

peppermints are so well known and over exposed right now. they are blaring like neon signs in every forum, fish talk and magazine.

some of the fishes in that magazine are all just as rare, or even rarer and more exciting (to me) than peppermint, with the exception of interrupta and narcosis. i agree, if we removed interrupta and replaced with peppermint.

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Yellow Head Escenius.


Escenius axelrodi Red Variant


Escenius axelrodi yellow variant.


Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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Yellow Head Escenius.


Escenius axelrodi Red Variant


Escenius axelrodi yellow variant.


so can you get us any of these?

the yellow head ecsenius i am unfamiliar. but with ecsenius, a single species can have many variations including color, and stripe/stripeless form.

here's a striped purple form of E. frontalis from the red sea. normally it is a hideous brown.


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Yellow Head Escenius.

Wow i remember chancing upon this ecsenius sp on the net few years back. It is very unique with a tri-color body segments, beige-blue-yellow. It is found in indonesia and it is very likely a unique species and is still undescribed until now.

Here are more photos of this ecsenius sp photographed in Walea island, Sulawesi.




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a slight differences will make a huge differences in price

thats the beauty of marine fish

You are absolutely right!

This fish below is quite similar to Lunatus and Johnsoni fairy. However it costs many times more!

Cirrhilabrus Squirei


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