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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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  • Senior Reefer

Beautiful fish :yeah: . I heard this fish was sold for USD 8000 .

yes it was sold for about 8.2k USD, japanese 780 000 yen.

i wrote about it on reefbuilders. you can see it here. there are also old pictures of the other specimens that made it into the trade.


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  • Senior Reefer
Neopercularis seems nicer than opercularis with thicker red bars
The difference is subtle but lies in the anał fin.There is a.reefbuilders.article written just for these two sister species.
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The difference is subtle but lies in the anał fin.There is a.reefbuilders.article written just for these two sister species.

I read that but still dun know how to tell based on that. But I noticed neopercularis always have broader red bars n less white.

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a nice multicolor with a HUGE crown.

This multicolor is awesome looking!! I have been hunting for one with a big crown like this because big crowns resembles nahackyi.

I read that but still dun know how to tell based on that. But I noticed neopercularis always have broader red bars n less white.

My observations are neops have thicker red bars and lesser white than ops. Also ops have deeper red than neops. Neops red tend to be more orangy.

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Black clarkii (Found in japan islands like Ishigaki and okinawa)

The tail becomes white as the fish matures. Pairs are occasionally collected and sells for about $100 a pair in their local LFS.







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