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OMG! Look at these hybrids and rare fishes!

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And now the long awaited updates of the uber rares!

According to BH these were from the deepwater of Tahiti!

Possibly a geographical variant of Bodianus Sanguineus or it may be a new species!



Cirrhilabrus Claire!! Range extends out of cook islands!


Maybe Bodianus Opercularis. Need confirmation.


Deepwater Tahiti mystery wrasse


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Update on the B.Pylei.

It went to a japanese rare fish reefer

It now resides in this 3ft tank together with other deepwater fishes like guyanensis, sanguineus, earlei, borbonius etc. The tank is kept at 20 degree.


Here is a closeup.


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  • Senior Reefer

bodianus neopercularis.

if collected in tahiti means pacific ocean.

neopercularis is the pacific ocean representative. if it's from the indian ocean, it's opercularis.

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  • Senior Reefer

i still cannot get over the fact that c. claire has finally been caught and photographed alive.

although it's not the most beautiful species, the color combination is extremely unique and cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis is the only other species to possess such a combination of purple and golden-olive.

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon help me bring in tis C. Claire n tahiti mystery wrasse!!!!

Impossible cos Claire is extremely rare and Singapore will be one of the last countries to see it, if got a chance.

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  • Senior Reefer

the reason why i say singapore will be one of the last country to be considered is because we cannot compete with japan and the U.S. the buying power of these countries are too strong.

we can only see and drool :(

that being said, we do get tahiti shipments last time from reborn. the scotts fairy wrasse was one of them.

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And now the long awaited updates of the uber rares!

According to BH these were from the deepwater of Tahiti!

Possibly a geographical variant of Bodianus Sanguineus or it may be a new species!



Cirrhilabrus Claire!! Range extends out of cook islands!


Maybe Bodianus Opercularis. Need confirmation.


Deepwater Tahiti mystery wrasse


Only keen in the peppermint hog :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: When can I find one pair of this???

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Only keen in the peppermint hog :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: When can I find one pair of this???

Haha after so long u r still hunting for your opercularis hog!

It will be v hard to ever get hold of one.

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  • Senior Reefer

Haha after so long u r still hunting for your opercularis hog!

It will be v hard to ever get hold of one.

getting the opercularis from indian ocean is much easier than getting the neopercularis from the pacific.

hong kong recently had a juvenile from maldives. they look virtually identical.

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  • SRC Member

Impossible cos Claire is extremely rare and Singapore will be one of the last countries to see it, if got a chance.

We have been too used to the price stucture in singapore that does not need to go through another layer of wholesaler. Sadly, most of these rare fishes will be snapped up by wholesaler worldwide once they enter the market. Unless SG reefers can accept these difference (price), it virtually no possible to see these rare fishes.

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Haha after so long u r still hunting for your opercularis hog!

It will be v hard to ever get hold of one.

I believe so tats why I am encouraging LFS to bring more maldives and mauritius shipment. Sadly alot of the fishes from these region is similar to our indo and philippines counterpart and usually are more expensive thus most LFS are usually reluctant.

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  • Senior Reefer

rare fish, even when caught, are treated differently from normal fish.

the narcosis angels and claire were specifically targeted to koji wada by blueharbor. they did not even consider to send to anyone else. so was the hogfishes and the neopercularis.

you need some very serious connections to pull off this kind of shipment through first hand dealings.

otherwise your best bet would be to buy from blueharbor which will go through two dealings already, and the price will be much higher.

there's simply no fight. we don't have anyone powerful enough here in singapore to deal directly with the fish catchers.

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Our LFS are offered some very rare fishes as well. But they are scared to bring in because nobody will buy.

I regularly get offers for certain rare fishes but the price is so high that i urge the LFS not to bring in because likely no one will buy and the LFS will make a huge loss if the fish die.

Personally i feel these super expensive fishes should continue go to Japan and US where there are reefers who are willing to pay high price to justify its rarity and its difficulties of collection.

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rare fish, even when caught, are treated differently from normal fish.

the narcosis angels and claire were specifically targeted to koji wada by blueharbor. they did not even consider to send to anyone else. so was the hogfishes and the neopercularis.

you need some very serious connections to pull off this kind of shipment through first hand dealings.

otherwise your best bet would be to buy from blueharbor which will go through two dealings already, and the price will be much higher.

there's simply no fight. we don't have anyone powerful enough here in singapore to deal directly with the fish catchers.

Actually I beg to differ, certain of our LFS (Reborn) have proven that our local LFS have the ability to bring in rare fishes (Klayi, carmabi, juv bandits, tinker pair, true personifer angel, interruptus angel). Athough not in large shipments but at least its a start. Now that Reborn has closed down, hopefully other lfses can step in.

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  • Senior Reefer

Actually I beg to differ, certain of our LFS (Reborn) have proven that our local LFS have the ability to bring in rare fishes (Klayi, carmabi, juv bandits, tinker pair, true personifer angel, interruptus angel). Athough not in large shipments but at least its a start. Now that Reborn has closed down, hopefully other lfses can step in.

True but these are rare fish with ready supply to wiling buyers. Such fish are rare but occasionally make it all over the world.

But if we're talking about debelius, opercularis, narcosis and

Peppermint etc, we stand very little chance. Because these are exclusive fishes and unless you have personal connections with the collectors, it will be very hard to get and also very expensive.

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